“Calling Earth” Couldn’t Be Better

(Note: A week after this article was posted, it already had more than 100 comments at the end, a record for this website. MaybeDan’s film will be a catalyst for future ITC research. I hope so.  –MM)

Dan Drasin has forged a masterpiece with his recently completed Calling Earth documentary.*

I believe it’s safe to say that no other resource available today promotes ITC and afterlife research more effectively than Dan’s film does… by:

  • Interviewing many researchers in many countries and digging up important TV film clips from Europe, to show the breadth of research underway in the world,
  • Focusing on each aspect of ITC research (contacts by EVP, phone, radio, TV, photos…), to show the scope of the research,
  • Providing irrefutable evidence of the legitimacy of the work through first-hand accounts by scientists and Dan’s own live demonstrations of spirit contact under rigorous conditions that eliminate the chance of hoax… thus putting blind skepticism soundly in its place,
  • Sharing actual contacts that clearly capture the purpose of ITC: alleviating grief, connecting people to their late loved ones, enlightening us about our spiritual heritage and, most important, trying to help humanity lift itself above savagery-of-the-Earth, and
  • Helping us understand how these miraculous spirit communications happen.

That last item, to me, captures the most important moment in the film, which occurs between 1:27:45 and 1:28:28. Members of the famed Scole group are meeting with their guest Walter Schnittger, who asks the spirit team an important question and gets a vital answer from the spirit of Reg Lawrence, a British engineer who died during the second world war.

Walter Schnittger: Do you see any possibility to describe how you can get the air to vibrate so that we can hear it with our ears?

Reg Lawrence (in spirit): We do not speak. We think in a language we are familiar with, and by some miracle, I have to say, these energies are transported into your room. Not by me, but by those whose job it is to do that.

That concise comment answers so much about how ITC works. Our spirit friends are not just speaking to us as we speak to each other. Instead, their thoughts are modulated into sound energies, with both information and carrier waves, in such a way that our ears and recording equipment can pick up. Amazing!

Our spirit friends at Timestream told us that there are higher beings who have special skills at opening bridges between dimensions and facilitating the interactions between them.

So, it reinforces my understanding that ITC communications can only be achieved with the support and facilitation of ethereal beings. To us humans on Earth, and to our human spirit friends on the third level, it all seems like magic at the present time.

As ITC advances, hopefully, we all will gain a better and better understanding of how it all really works.

Meanwhile, I suspect that the ethereal beings decide who on Earth is best suited to get ITC contacts, and then they make the tremendous effort to facilitate ITC contacts. They probably take into account…

  • The “innate aptitude” for ITC that some people have… people like Marcello Bacci, Klaus Schreiber, and Maggy Fischbach.
  • The deep grief that some people have, and their yearning to connect with a departed loved one.
  • Certain skills, intentions, and proclivities that might compel certain people to promote ITC in a positive way for the betterment of the humanity.

I suspect that I fit mostly into that third item. I’ve always been driven to understand life and world affairs (and, since 1988 other-worldly affairs), and to try to explain it all in a comprehensible way. The ethereals probably knew that once I was captivated by ITC, I’d never give up trying to understand and explain it.

I’ll not be surprised if Dan Drasin gets a legitimate ITC contact in the near future, out of deep gratitude the spirit world must feel about the immense time and effort he put into his landmark project, Calling Earth.

CBS Sunday Morning last week had a special Mother’s Day segment on an ITC image of a reporter’s late mom implanted on his smartphone. Assuming it was in fact an ITC image, as I suspect it was, then the incident (planting the image on the phone) was no doubt choreographed by ethereal beings and a spirit group, in hopes that ITC would get “good press” that would help open people’s minds and hearts to the possibilities of ITC.

And, I believe that we’ll be seeing more and more of these spontaneous ITC contacts in the future, carefully choreographed by great ethereal minds, all for the sake of getting us humans more finely attuned to our spiritual nature.

So, Dan, a giant THANK YOU!… for the meticulous job you did putting this amazing documentary together in recent years. Those spirit face photos by Robbert van den Broeke (starting around 1:09 in the film) are especially important because of your extra effort to remove any possibility of tampering… to ensure those images are legitimate ITC contacts.

I recall not being very forthcoming to your requests for submitting my luminator/Polaroid spirit face photos to a similar rigorous session under laboratory conditions… but I gave up on trying to convince skeptics early in my ITC research, when I realized it would just add to my frustrations, take up too much time and effort, and probably never change their minds anyway. (Hope you’ll forgive me for that.)

But now I can see that the meticulous care you put into that film is invaluable. As I mentioned, it really puts skepticism in its place. Wow.

Once again, a link to Dan’s landmark film: https://vimeo.com/101171248.

– – – – – – –

*Thanks to Victor Zammit’s latest Friday Afterlife Report for noting the completion of Dan’s film.

About Mark Macy

Main interests are other-worldly matters (www.macyafterlife.com) and worldly matters (www.noblesavageworld.com)
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131 Responses to “Calling Earth” Couldn’t Be Better

  1. angusmacro says:

    “Walter Schnittger: Do you see any possibility to describe how you can get the air to vibrate so that we can hear it with our ears?

    Reg Lawrence (in spirit): We do not speak. We think in a language we are familiar with, and by some miracle, I have to say, these energies are transported into your room. Not by me, but by those whose job it is to do that.

    That concise comment answers so much about how ITC works. Our spirit friends are not just speaking to us as we speak to each other. Instead, their thoughts are modulated into sound energies, with both information and carrier waves, in such a way that our ears and recording equipment can pick up. Amazing!”


    really? That was a concise comment I’m totally supportive of anything that promotes the notion of survival and brings evidence, including ITC and any other form of communication. I’m gobsmacked, however, that the words from Reg Lawrence quoted could be considered concise, words that included “by some miracle”.

    The ITC mechanism may well be along the lines suggested but I read nothing here that substantiates those ideas. I’ll watch the video later.

    • Mark Macy says:

      Hi angusmacro, I couldn’t provide all the background behind that Scole group contact in one short article. But Dan’s film puts it all into perspective in a miraculous 🙂 way. So, I’ll be eager to get your impressions after you view the film to get a fuller flavor of ITC.


      • angusmacro says:

        I don’t do miraculous, Mark. It may be baffling and impossible to explain presently but not miraculous for me. As a former subsriber to the New Spiritual Science Foundation – ‘Scole’ for shor – I’ll certainly be interested to learn how the original members are involved and what progress they’ve made since the group disbanded. I’ll also be looking for how their work relates to ITC.

        And when I’ve watched the video online – later today (Sunday I’m hoping) I’ll get back and record my impressions. Perhaps I’ll need to eat my earlier words! 🙂

        • angusmacro says:

          I need to take more care of my spelling – ‘subscriber’ and ‘short’ – it’s what comes of rushing to get the message finished while doing another job!!

          • Mark Macy says:

            I understand completely. Fortunately, as the blogmaster I have the added advantage of being able to edit the posts and correct my mistakes… something I have to do often!
            I’m eager to get your impressions after watching Dan’s great film.

  2. tosiaz says:

    The incomplete “Calling Earth” was already excellent, so I have great expectations of this one. Can’t wait to listen to it. And I must add that some things do work in mysterious ways that even the spirit communicators do not understand. I have heard spirits speak in that regard of miracles. And surely being able to communicate across dimensions in seeming contradiction of natural laws is one of those.

    • angusmacro says:

      I cringe mentally when I hear words such as “miracle” and “mysterious” in connection with techniques that have scientists and spiritually-advanced entitites working on them. And hearing it said that communicators speak in terms of miracles leaves me to conclude that those discarnates seem hardly more advanced than they were as incarnates.

      I’ve made the point before that the discarnates we’re most likely to be able to communicate with are those whose spiritual advancement finds them still ‘close’ to this physical dimension hence unlikely to be able to offer much guidance about what’s going on in levels more spiritually-distant.

      We grumble when our scientists take no notice of claims made about trans-dimensional communication while at the same time using words such as those I mentioned. ONLY when someone is able to properly explain using scientific notation used by our science community and provide evidence of it is that community likely to take note.

      I’m not a ‘disbeliever’, I have been familiar with the issue of survival and communication for 33 years, I have a scientific background and nature, yet even I roll my eyes when I hear some of the stuff concerning ITC and/or EVP. I don’t doubt that it’s currently being used and I don’t doubt that there’s ongoing work to improve the technique, its effectiveness, predictability and reliability.

      I’d be delighted to see a reliable system or device that can be rigourously tested but until that point I suspect it will remain a hard sell. When I have time and inclination I’ll watch the video.

      • Mark Macy says:

        Our spirit friends told us:

        “People arrive here with the same psychological and emotional nature they had when they died, although shortcomings and imbalances can be overcome through rapid learning.”

        ITC Gem 16: Life on the Other Side

        It’s my impression that the spirit groups that develop around ITC researchers and other spiritual projects tend to resonate with the thoughts of the earthside team. Given the hormones and egos and personalities of us humans, that can lead to some turbulent situations emotionally, unless the people go to some extra lengths to do inner work to foster their noble side of love, trust, sincerity, mutual respect, etc…..

        That (I’m fairly sure) is why ITC as experienced by INIT required ethereal ‘gatekeepers’ who could kind of manage the bridge so that things didn’t fly out of control. And when those ethereal gatekeepers got involved with their vast wisdom and power, by golly, it did seem kind of miraculous to all of us.

        I agree, though, that words like “miracles” and “magic” do stir up a lot of suspicions for the objective, scientific, mortal mind. Mine included.

        I’ve gotta’ say, though, that working with Maggy and the other INIT members and the Timestream spirit group and especially The Seven ethereals through the 1990s really changed my mind.


        • angusmacro says:

          I’d readily accept ‘amazing’ instead of miraculous. 🙂 Wouldn’t you agree that care over the words we humans use is at least desirable?

          Moving on, what I’m repeatedly hearing about ITC is some form of role of ‘go between’ working as a ‘bridge for communicating’ between discarnates (of whatever spiritual elevation/progress) and us incarnates. If I’ve got it right then surely that’s mediumship? A medium being a ‘go-between’ facilitating communications between discarnate and incarnate individuals.

          I don’t have any experience like you, Mark, but looking back on what you’ve written here about those times, I’m left wondering – as I also wonder about the Scole events – what progress there has been over all the years since.

          • Mark Macy says:

            Being a writer by trade and (apparently) genetics, I DEFINITEly agree with you that words are powerful… and that “amazing” is a better word than “miraculous” for discussions of subjects like ITC. I’ll try to bear that in mind in my future writing. I think I may have been taking it all too lightly in this discussion… the use of words like “magic” and “miracles.” I’ll try to remember that in my future writing. Thanks for your patience in helping to see where I was going with this.


          • Mark Macy says:

            At the same time, I’ve always thought of “miracles” and “phenomena” as very similar: Events that humans don’t fully understand with their current science and understanding… the difference being that miracles are facilitated by “divine” beings or energies, which I call ethereal beings, and phenomena are simply accepted by us because we can perceive them through our 5 senses, even if we don’t fully understand them. I suspect that’s not a distinction that everyone makes between the two terms, but it’s one that sort of makes sense to me. Mark

          • Nicola says:

            Your understanding of the word miracle is one dimensional and your pedency can derail discussions. Miracle doesn’t just mean a wonderful event from God. It means all manner of things, certainly including supernatural contacts. And of course it is used as slang and in common speech. We have long known childbirth is not a miracle, but the phrase is still used. That’s because it’s awe inspring and wonderful to behold. Give Reginald a break will you?

            I’ve wasted far too long reading these posts about which words to use, where. A full grasp of the English language would help. The alternative is there is an intentional egotistical disruption to this discussion.

            • angusmacro says:

              quote: “Your understanding of the word miracle is one dimensional and your pedency can derail discussions. Miracle doesn’t just mean a wonderful event from God. It means all manner of things, certainly including supernatural contacts. And of course it is used as slang and in common speech. We have long known childbirth is not a miracle, but the phrase is still used. That’s because it’s awe inspring and wonderful to behold. Give Reginald a break will you?”

              Your views are noted but I don’t feel Mark displays pedantry. Actually we discussed the subject over a number of days. I saw no derailment of the thread topic.

              quote: “I’ve wasted far too long reading these posts about which words to use, where. A full grasp of the English language would help. The alternative is there is an intentional egotistical disruption to this discussion.”

              We can’t all be experts about English language usage but I see no intentional egotistical disruption of the discussion. It’s a shame that others’ approaches cause you concern.

          • dominiquemb says:

            Honestly I like the word ‘miraculous’ and don’t see anything wrong with it. 🙂

          • Mark Macy says:

            Whoa… 🙂

            Much ado about nothing.

            Angus suggested to me that we’re walking a fine line here between science (where there’s no place for miracles because our quest is to understand everything… a noble quest, by any stretch) and spirit (which is rife with “miracles,” since we still don’t really understand what’s going on in the finer realms far beyond the workings of this world).

            The human pursuit is to observe and come to understand all that’s going on.

            Since words like “miracle” and “magic” make well-grounded scientists bristle, it’s probably better that we try to avoid those words… I think.

            Actually, my mind has been boiling and bubbling over the issue during the past couple of days. Sometimes the word “miracles” raises my gooseflesh and makes me yearn for the finer forces in the universe that can bring me peace and enlightenment, if I can only hear what those forces are saying! 🙂

            At other times the word makes me roll my eyes, thinking if there were miracles in the universe why is this world in such a shambles? We’ve created the shambles, and we need to figure out how to sort it all out. We’ve made the mess and we need to clean it up. No higher power is going to clean it up for us.

            Anyway, I’m still ruminating on all of this.


      • kate says:

        Dr Gary E Schwartz PhD has what he calls ‘soul phone’ which he talks about on youtube and gives all the rigourous tests someone with a a scientific background could want….good point about the use of the word miracle…

        • Nicola says:

          I read an article in psychic news that had me pulling my hair out. Texting and skyping our dead relatives as if they are no more than a continent away? How awful (and lucrative) if that became the case. How cheap death and its lessons will be, and how little we will learn of the value of earthly life.

          These are false promises in any case. We have had the technology and contacts to do what is being trumpeted as new for about thirty years. In fact we (spirit and earthside receivers) are way, way, way more advanced than anything he is embarrassingly implying is new. Scole saw solid body manifestations about twenty years ago. Physical mediums were reported as doing this decades before that.

          Please I pray we have no soul phone. Our cultures are not responsible enough for it.

    • Mark Macy says:

      Thanks tosiaz, I agree!

      • Nicola says:

        Unfortunately the number of nested replies we can have has been exceeded. :-/
        So this is addressing the use of the word ‘miracles’..
        I wasn’t saying Mark was being pedantic. I thought it was obvious.. the one dimensional, and incorrectly pedantic objection to the use of the word ‘miracles’ was by angusmarco, not Mark. Mark’s use is technically correct.

        However I can see that scientific minds may bridle at the word ‘miracle’. Their strength is science, not language after all. Perhaps we need to dumb it down to surpass both language barriers and the dogma that has taken possession of what should be enlightened and enquiring scientific minds.


        • Mark Macy says:

          Hi Nicola, apparently you returned home safely and in good condition from your trip to Cuba. 🙂 I’m glad! (Of course, I know about your trip from our recent, mind-reeling emails, which I’ve copied into my files for future reference and for the benefit of posterity! Great things we discussed.)

          Ii think it’s probably not so important to quibble over semantics the the moment. The word “miracles” can give warmth and hope to some people some of the time, and it can cause others to bristle some of the time.

          I’m trying to gear the website to everyone (I know that’s impossible, but that’s the overall aim), so it’s probably a good policy to minimize the use of terms like miracles and magic and angelic and divine and celestial, for the most part. And when we DO use terms like that, we should probably try to put it all into perspective of what we’ve learned about the finer realms of spirit.

          That’s something I’ll try to work on. Thanks angus… and Nicole and Kate and Dominique….


          • Nicola says:

            If only I were home. I’m still in Cuba and won’t be home till Monday! As beautiful as it is, like Dorothy said, “there’s no place like home”.

  3. angusmacro says:

    Not for the first time I’m a little confused!

    As I started to watch the video I immediately realised I’d already watched it some time before. Perhaps I should have watched again for the recent additions to the earlier film but do I really need to? With a little more emphasis, do I PERSONALLY need to watch it again? I ask that because I’m not a doubting Thomas about survival and I don’t doubt the veracity of the electronic voice phenomenon or instrumental transdimensional communication via modern electronic devices.

    But I didn’t watch it again so perhaps I missed a significant update? For example a fully-developed ITC device that works without the involvement of any third party go-between? Now that’s something I’m keen to hear about. I’m aware of what’s been claimed for Rio do Tempo and what’s been promised for ITC with Stations, the English-speaking equivalent. But where are the working devices?

    So I’ll be patient and hope that before I kick my clogs (the last quarter of my life is likely underway) I’ll see devices in widespread use helping the bereaved and maybe those who aren’t – yet.

    • kate says:

      yes there is a third party device being used …..Gary Schwartz, PhD – presentation on the “SoulPhone” Prototype…(youtube)..He has spent many years trying to prove the afterlife through scientific testing..

      • angusmacro says:

        I’m fully aware of what Gary’s been doing but the so-called soul phone has yet to be fully implemented. Last summer we were intially ‘promised’ an ITC device would be ready in the new year (this year) but when I asked about such an imminent event, there was a major change of time frame with several years suggested as more likely. I’m wary of unsupported claims.

      • angusmacro says:

        When I spoke about “…. a fully-developed ITC device that works without the involvement of any third party go-between.” I was referring to a device that would allow ordinary folk to speak to their loved ones without without the need of a third-party to facilitate the communication i.e. without there being a medium in attendance.

        Otherwise isn’t such communication down to mediumship?

        • kate says:

          Yes sorry sloppy reading on my part there. Spirit have shown they can communicate on most electrical devices very well so would creating better devices make contact easier? It does seem from the experience so far the conduit/medium plays a part. I wonder if there was an easy way to communicate if that would be a good thing too..in the wrong hands can you imagine the kaos with lower realms.

          • angusmacro says:

            Based on what I’ve heard about ITC with Stations the intent is to enable ordinary folk like me to connect with loved ones without the need for third-party assistance.

            If it is straightfoward enough for our loved ones to reach us already (quote) “….they can communicate on most electrical devices very well….” then why is the so-called soul phone being developed one might ask? As there are comparatively few accounts of communications via electronic device, perhaps we should conclude that our discarnate families and friends are deliberately hold back from doing it?

            I don’t know if direct communications would be a good or a bad thing. What chaos would you envision in the ‘lower realms’? If a soul phone were to be developed to completion, would there need to be control over who would get to use it and how?

            Would there need to be discarnate ‘gate-keepers’ monitoring and moderating who got to speak to whom?

          • kate says:

            angusmarco…the soul phone was being used to test, analyse and gather information on proving the afterlife in a scientific way but I’m unaware of it being created for the general public to use but precisely why create a soul phone it maybe more about how we are than the device? From the information I’ve gathered over the years I don’t think the afterlife always hold back deliberately…for me messages from my late partner have come when I’ve been in a more peaceful, calmer state of mind whereas someone else may come through when not so peaceful…Michael Newton cases describe how some of our loved ones find it hard to communicate with us if the conditions aren’t right even if they want to although others don’t seem to have such problems and for me that does seem the case. The veil is there for a reason, being in this dimension on Earth is about having a human experience…imagine if you had this amazing soul phone and they didn’t answer you, do we really need that? because I think that’s exactly what would have to happen in order for us to carry on having this experience. From what I hear lower entities/energies can cause problems for people…just look at a lot of the stuff on TV about it and paranormal investigations with people running around castles screaming, obscene EVPs…best left alone I think.

            • angusmacro says:

              for kate

              quote: “angusmarco…the soul phone was being used to test, analyse and gather information on proving the afterlife in a scientific way but I’m unaware of it being created for the general public to use but precisely why create a soul phone it maybe more about how we are than the device?”

              Fair enough on Gary Schwartz’s hopes but do you really feel that such a device wouldn’t then be wanted by others? AREI is working towards (I think I’m right in this) a device that ordinary folk can use to communicate with their loved ones. Gary’s one of the researchers there.

              quote: “From the information I’ve gathered over the years I don’t think the afterlife always hold back deliberately…”

              I didn’t say our unseen loved ones did hold back. I was asking you to consider why they don’t communicate more with us via electronic devices if it’s as straightfoward as you’ve suggested?

              quote: “…..for me messages from my late partner have come when I’ve been in a more peaceful, calmer state of mind whereas someone else may come through when not so peaceful…”

              Then that’s something for concern, I suggest. But I’m guessing your home has electronic devices in it and that you have a cell phone – yes? Why doesn’t your late partner reach out to you electronically, on your TV or your cell phone? Surely that would be a more satisfactory communication for both of you? Isn’t it that it simply isn’t straightforward at all and that electronic communication comes about for reasons not much understood?

              quote: “Michael Newton cases describe how some of our loved ones find it hard to communicate with us if the conditions aren’t right even if they want to although others don’t seem to have such problems and for me that does seem the case.”

              Do you think something similar happens routinely for others? I suggest not.

              quote: “The veil is there for a reason, being in this dimension on Earth is about having a human experience…imagine if you had this amazing soul phone and they didn’t answer you, do we really need that? because I think that’s exactly what would have to happen in order for us to carry on having this experience. From what I hear lower entities/energies can cause problems for people…just look at a lot of the stuff on TV about it and paranormal investigations with people running around castles screaming, obscene EVPs…best left alone I think.”

              None of all this stuff is my idea. It’s what others are claiming and about which I’m commenting. I’m a long-time Spiritualist for whom all your words are everyday fare – Michael Newton’s simply saying what spiritually advanced guides and teachers have been saying for decades or longer. I’ve heard it all and I’m not disagreeing with what you’ve written.
              But I’m not part of the groups who are saying that ITC with Stations will be available for ordinary folk to communicate with their loved ones in the etheric world(s).

          • kate says:

            Better also add that the mainstream TV stuff is not really the problem it’s the way mainstream media and public seem to love the thrill of playing around with anything scary unfortunatly this illustrates to me a lot of humans can’t be trusted. I don’t entertain the dark side and refuse to give it any energy through thought or fear but it does happen and get the better of people

        • Mark Macy says:

          Hi Kate and angus, I’ve come to believe that any ITC systems involving enhanced communications from the other side can only work through the facilitation and extra energies provided by ethereal beings,who “boost” or amplify the astral energies. If those ethereal energies are present, then ANY suitable communication device could provide ITC communications. If ethereal involvement is not there, NO suitable communication device on our side will provide enhanced ITC communications, despite our best intentions, efforts and desires.

          • angusmacro says:

            That’s a great piece, Mark and what you’ve said makes perfect sense to me.

            It’s made me realise that a ‘medium’ – a facilitator – can also be a discarnate individual. I think in terms of incarnate mediums but discarnate ones for facilitating ITC is a logical premise.

            You speak about such individuals boosting or amplifying the astral energies. I see them also providing ‘impedance matching’ between earth’s physical-dimension energies and those of the etheric dimension(s). Without their involvement, then, I agree that enhanced ITC isn’t going to happen. (unsure exactly what enhancement you mean though)

            Does it also mean that ‘regular’ ITC only comes about by the agency of such individuals?

          • Mark Macy says:

            Yes, Angus, impedance matching. That’s a good analogy. Thanks.
            The “enhancement” term is kind of semantic.
            Some people say ITC is the more elaborate communications (phone calls, computer pictures and texts, loud radio dialogs, etc.) that can happen when the ethereal beings are involved… as opposed to EVP, which is short, faint voices of astral spirits are picked up. I kind of lean into that camp, and those are the “enhanced” communications I was referring to.
            Other people say that EVP is one subset of ITC.

        • kate says:

          Quote; Fair enough on Gary Schwartz’s hopes but do you really feel that such a device wouldn’t then be wanted by others?
          Answer is I’m sure there are people that would want one.

          Quote; I didn’t say our unseen loved ones did hold back. I was asking you to consider why they don’t communicate more with us via electronic devices if it’s as straightfoward as you’ve suggested?
          Answer…I’ve answered this already.

          Quote: Then that’s something for concern, I suggest. But I’m guessing your home has electronic devices in it and that you have a cell phone – yes? Why doesn’t your late partner reach out to you electronically, on your TV or your cell phone? Surely that would be a more satisfactory communication for both of you? Isn’t it that it simply isn’t straightforward at all and that electronic communication comes about for reasons not much understood?
          Answer….I have no concerns at all in the way that spirit come to me and I’m not interested in why you suggest it’s a concern…I’m happy with the communication I’ve had. Yes I’ve had lots of communication through electrical devices in my home for a decade now and yes it’s great but I do accept and agree that is is variable and not consistant probably because I am variable and not consistant…as I said before it’s more about the persons energy than the equiptment.

          Quote; Do you think something similar happens routinely for others? I suggest not.
          Answer….When I mentioned ‘others’ I was refering to ‘other spirits’. Michael Newton cases describe how differently spirit communicate and what works for some doesn’t for other spirits.

          Quote; Michael Newton’s simply saying what spiritually advanced guides and teachers have been saying for decades or longer.
          Answer…Disagree with this Michael Newton has spent 40 years recording thousands of regressions and I don’t think there have been such detailed accounts by advanced teachers and guides.

          Quote; None of all this stuff is my idea. It’s what others are claiming and about which I’m commenting. I’m a long-time Spiritualist for whom all your words are everyday fare – Michael Newton’s simply saying what spiritually advanced guides and teachers have been saying for decades or longer. I’ve heard it all and I’m not disagreeing with what you’ve written.
          But I’m not part of the groups who are saying that ITC with Stations will be available for ordinary folk to communicate with their loved ones in the etheric world(s)

          Answer…It’s everyday fare words in response to everyday fare questions. With the right conduits/mediums like Marcello Bacci, Scoles mediums and so on electrical devices do seem reliable as they have also been with Mark and INIT team.

  4. John says:

    Thank you for bringing this documentary film to our attention, Mark.
    I enjoyed viewing it. I have no doubts about any of the information presented.
    It was nice to see you walking lightly on Earth in the end.

    • angusmacro says:

      Those of us privileged to understand survival and communication naturally identify with what we see in the film. It’s trying to get over that message to those who don’t that remains as hard as it ever was…..

    • Mark Macy says:

      Thanks John, if I look a little angry or stern or deer-in-the-headlights in the flim, I think it’s because for most of my life I’ve been not just camera-shy, but camera-phobic. 🙂 Mark

  5. kate says:

    Hi Mark when I read this it reminded me of what i read in the book ‘Journey of souls’…at the beginning of Michael Newtons case studies from about page 12 onwards there is talk of techniques that spirit use to communicate.. the case studies seem to describe the use of beams of energy and interacting with the energy patterns they can feel from us and how they manipulate the energy varies from one spirit to another.
    I’ve watched the ‘calling Earth’ documentary about 3 times in the past…it is very good but to much for a skeptical audience to believe and probably rightly so…if you haven’t had experiences with the afterlife it’s unbelieveable…in this day and age with all these amazing special effects and videos the reality of the afterlife is harder to put accross to non believers.

  6. angusmacro says:

    oops mistake “..deliberately holding back….”

  7. Jane says:

    ‘higher beings who have special skills at opening bridges between dimensions and facilitating the interactions between them’ If somebody picks up a swear word as a EVP does that mean the higher beings facilitated this? Why would they do that?.

    • Mark Macy says:

      Jane, it’s my understanding that if swear words or anything scary or offensive come through in short (1- to 4-second)phrases, then you don’t have an ITC bridge established that is being facilitated and protected by one of those ethereal “gatekeepers.” What you have is just a spirit or spirits interested in your experiments and trying “to get their two cents in.”

      Your comment made me wonder, though: What specifically do those spirits experience, those spirits who produce those short, faint EVP contacts for us without the presence and facilitation of the ethereal gatekeepers “whose job it is to” facilitate enhanced ITC communications by converting more complex thoughts and sentences from the minds of the spirits into audio that we can pick up here on Earth?

      Or, more simply put, when astral spirits are working by themselves to talk to us without the facilitators necessary to provide the extra energy for enhanced ITC communications, do they talk to us the way we talk to each other? Do their lips move and their somewhat-dense astral voiceboxes vibrate in a way that can produce faint soundwaves in our world? Or, is it their thoughts that somehow get modulated into the faint voices that we can hear upon playback in EVP experiments? Do their astral voiceboxes play no part in it?

      Whichever is the case, I suspect that astral spirits by nature do not possess the power or energy or capacity to produce long, detailed messages that we can record. When the necessary energies are provided (and I’m fairly certain that those energies can only be provided by what I call ethereal beings who typically reside in finer regions and who ‘descend’ (or “bend down” is probably a more appropriate term) to the astral realm to participate by adding their energies to the bridge), then they only do so on the condition that the information conveyed through the bridge is of a more noble or finer quality. Messages in the presence of ethereal facilitators typically reflect joy, sincerity, and respect.

      That’s what I believe, based on my work in INIT, during both the good times when the bridge was clear and strong, and the bad times when the bridge faltered.


      • angusmacro says:

        Great questions and observations, Mark – ideal topics for a discussion forum! 🙂

      • angusmacro says:

        I didn’t comment on the video, Mark, because I’ve seen it before and didn’t want to sit through it again. I remember it being well made with lots of interesting information and I’ve posted the link for a forum member elsewhere who is interested in ITC and EVP.

        Thanks for your explanation above of “enhancement” and “enhanced ITC”. Very interesting to learn that some see EVP as a subset of ITC. That makes sense to me.

        • Mark Macy says:

          Hi Angus, I also watched the Calling Earth video several times during its evolution, and while I always found it well done, it wasn’t until the final iteration, when everything came together through a tight, well-developed script, when I was really wow-ed by the film.
          But that’s probably because I’m so deeply invested in ITC research. Mark

  8. angusmacro says:

    Mark I’m sorry if my responses are trashing your blog. 😦

    I like a discussion/debate but a blog isn’t a good place to do it – if only because there are no editing and formatting facilities. (as far as I can see) Discussions would be better carried out in a website-forum setting, my usual m.o.

    I’ve engaged about electronic communication in threads fairly recently and I try to keep tabs on these issues. I’m constantly hopeful that all the claims about electronic communications will be substantiated in due course.

    • Mark Macy says:

      Thanks angus… that’s helpful for me to know. If it gets to the point where I develop a dialog function for that worlditcnet website…


      … then I’ll set it up as a forum, which google tells me is different from a ‘chatroom’:

      An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. They differ from chat rooms in that messages are often longer than one line of text, and are at least temporarily archived. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_forum)

      So, again, thanks for that heads-up.

      • angusmacro says:

        Yes Wikipedia accurately describes the kind of website forums I’m used to writing on….

        For those who aren’t familiar with them they allow editing and formatting of text – something vital to me as I make mistakes! – and are usually highly-structured allowing one to move around them easily and to read and respond to other members’ ideas in a logical and systematic way. Blogs aren’t intended for such purposes and are ‘clunky’ by comparison.

        I’ve seen your development website before, Mark, and should you decide to complete its development and go live I hope you’ll invite me to become a member/contributor.

        • Mark Macy says:

          I don’t foresee myself starting an ITC group, but if I did it would certainly be patterned after the ideas in that website. Theoretically, if such a group were formed, then it would be open to anyone as a provisional member, and then it would be up to that person to go through the inner work, or polishing of attitude, before becoming an operative of the group. It’s that self-polishing process that would (theoretically) promote group resonance among a tight, cohesive group while dissuading people who feel they don’t need it.

  9. Nicola says:

    I’m really sad and disturbed that people seem to be waiting on a device that we already have. Look your use of the term ‘general public’, Kate, demonstrates what I mean. Communication is not restricted to the ones with money, grants and the biggest mouths. We all have the ability to speak to the other side (and hear them) right now – just download ad audacity and hit record. It’s free. No money needed. No corporate telephone exchange needed. This is the way things are going and we are giving people the right to dictate to us that which is our right. How long before communication is restricted by these people buying up that which is not theirs.. spiritual airtime? Do not think they will not try.

    • kate says:

      Hi Nicola I agree with you… I thought I was trying to point out that electrical devices are reliable ways of communication that anyone can use already but it does seem the truly amazing stuff happens with people that have a certain type of intention and energy and it depends too on the spirits abillity themselves (going by the Micheal Newton cases). As regards to ‘general public’ I was referring to a device that could break through the veil regardless of who is operating it or their intentions which is what I thought Angus was saying was being done by Gary Schwartz. I don’t think it will be possible to create such a device it’s more hypothetical than anything but if it was possible I would sway on the side of saying I don’t think it should be developed. Now I’ve probably got my understanding of what’s been said on the comments of this blog totally wrong..big sorry if I have…my intelligence is just average or maybe below that ‘everyday fare’…I think the ITC subject is way above my head, I’m a novice that just happens to have had some amazing electrical activity from spirit in my life and I would love others to know the same.

      • kate says:

        I’ve actually re-read the stuff that has been written and realise how horribly opinionated I come accross as…it bothers me!

        • Nicola says:

          I don’t think the restriction on who can successfully use ITC is there at all. Obviously someone messing about with their friends and not listening will hear nothing. But I am afraid this method is open to us all, if we want to hear.
          The worry is that there is no education or even much knowledge about what is taking place when we communicate. I will address this above.

          • Nicola says:

            Poo. Wrote a long message above and lost it.

            From my experience of only a year I can tell you that it feels like going through bad neighbourhoods to get to the good ones. So you hear stuff on the journey and it’s not nice. If people (communicating from our side) know that and not to loiter or give any mind to the scallywags in the bad neighbourhoods, that’s a start. My worry is that these nasties are master manipulators, mimics and conmen. What they are not is demons and devils, they are people. We no longer need the monsters of the bible because we have become them. If you can adopt the persona of a doorman or barmaid at throwing out time and see nonsense for what it is, you’ll be ok.

          • kate says:

            If there are no restrictions then it would be good to have an easy to understand step by step guide for those that want to connect successfully as possible…an idea maybe for someone who knows how to do all these things.

  10. kate says:

    I was wrong when I questioned the word ‘miracle’…I think it is in context perfectly in this blog. Just been reading the book by Mark ‘Miracles in the Storm’ and the definition of the word…’Websters Dictionary…devine intervention and miracles involve the influences of higher spiritual powers’ …I can’t think of any good reason why spirit wouldn’t use the word.

  11. dominiquemb says:

    Hi Mark,

    I just wanted to say your website is an incredible treasure trove of insight. Thank you so much for creating it and making it possible for as many people as possible to find it. I was only 6 years old in 2000 when communications broke down, so the ITC events you’ve described on here happened way before I ever knew what ITC/EVP was. I’m so glad I decided to research this topic now.

    Coincidentally, you wrote this post on the day I watched Calling Earth. I’m not sure when exactly the new documentary came out, but I happened to stumble across it on Reddit.com.

    Do you know of any groups that are still actively receiving ITC contact?

    Also, a lot of the info on your blog corresponds to things written in a book called “Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul” by Jane Roberts, specifically regarding a higher being named Seth that communicates through patterns of light. Do you know or are you associated with Jane Roberts? Is this just a coincidence?

    Additionally – would you recommend trying to record EVP messages on my own? Or are most EVP messages coming from the shadow world?


    • dominiquemb says:

      By the way, when I say “coincidence,” I meant to ask if perhaps Seth 3 (the entity that Thomas of Canterbury is part of) might be the same Seth recorded in Jane Roberts’ book?

    • Mark Macy says:

      Hi Dominique, thanks for the comments and insights. I too suspect your watching “Calling Earth” on the day this post was published is no coincidence.

      Yes, there are various people still getting some pretty good ITC contacts, as the film suggests.

      In my opinion and observation, though, the most amazing contacts were being received by INIT (the Harsch-Fischbach couple and their colleagues) and by the Scole group (the Foy couple and their colleagues). Nothing else has even come close, in my opinion. BOTH of those extraordinary ITC bridges were established and sustained through the 1990s and then simply came to an end about the same time, around the year 2000. It is as though the “powers that be” (who I’m sure include The Seven ethereals) were giving humanity a taste of the wonderful possibilities of ITC communication bridges between our world and the worlds of spirit… and at the same time giving us a glimpse of the challenges, the obstacles and the potential dangers associated with those bridges. In one contact in 1994 our spirit friends told our INIT group:

      “Should not everyone get this type of transcommunication in the form shown to you? No! It is not everyone’s way. Do not envy those who walk this way, for it is long and full of thorns. Many of you would quickly want to get off it….”


      At the time (1994) I didn’t understand the full grasp of that short comment (I thought our spirit friends were being overly dramatic), because i personally had not yet experienced the severe personal and interpersonal difficulties that can emerge from those bridges, starting with troubled emotions (of members and non-members alike) such as fear, doubt, uncertainty, envy, impatience, incredulity… and spin off into arguments and accusations. All of the hard thoughts, words and actions that cause ripples in human relationships can become tidal waves in an ITC group.

      That, I think, is why I woke up this morning around 3am with an unrelenting urge to write another comment on this post, which I think has become one of the most important posts on this website because of all of the comments being made.

      I’m going to do that now, but first I wanted to reply to your comments, Dominique, which fit perfectly into the dialog. Thanks for that.


      PS – no relation between Jane Roberts’s Seth and Seth 3, the ethereal being involved in ITC bridges in the late 80s and 90s…. I too wondered about that at the time. Yes, some of the esoteric messages show similarities to INIT’s ITC messages from The Seven, probably because when you get to that level of spirit there are some basic principles shared by everyone there. That’s what I suspect is the case.

      • Nicola says:

        “Should not everyone get this type of transcommunication in the form shown to you? No! It is not everyone’s way. Do not envy those who walk this way, for it is long and full of thorns. Many of you would quickly want to get off it….”

        I wish I had remembered I had read that instead of saying the same but in a much less succinct and firm way! I will have to remember this for the future. Thanks Mark.

        Oh.. just a remark, Maggy and scole were well presented in the outside world. We cannot claim these are the most amazing because we know about them. There will be others that shun publicity (as Maggy tried to) that will equal or surpass these contacts. Technology moves on, things improve. I think that route was found to be incorrect for the purpose or the end of experimental testing of waters.

        We cannot unlearn what has been learned. Their scientists would have continued to work on communication, their philosophers would have continued to debate whether it was wise.

        • Mark Macy says:

          You’re right, Nicola. It’s probably safe to say that the results of…


          and of

          the Scole Grouphttp://www.thescoleexperiment.com/paranormal-experiences.html

          … are the best (in terms of depth and evidentiality) publicly reported spirit communications in Earth’s recent history, but there will certainly be better bridges in the future once ITC gets a foothold on Earth… once humans are ready for it, in terms of resonance.


          • Nicola says:

            What makes you think we are not ready, and we have not been receiving communications like this already, possibly preceding Luxembourg? 🙂 I don’t think ‘enhanced’ ITC started and ended with Luxembourg and Scole, because that doesn’t make sense. It’s too.. too.. earthly to suppose a clean start and end time. The miracles of Rinaldi are not mentioned here..? From what I understand Sonia was still fledgling ITC when INIT was about? She now works with spirits in living bodies but comatose or brain damaged or disordered (mute autism being an example). Her images are awe inspiring pictures of discarnates, many ‘unclaimed’. See ipati.org. Whilst not an improvement on the Luxembourg contacts, there are easily drawn parallels. Besides Mark, as I said to you before, what does one want – the moon on a stick!? We even had physical manifestations at Scole. The report detailing all this was pretty much dismissed despite the backing of some of our world’s finest minds. It had to be miserably accepted that unless that moon was indeed brought in on a stick, the human mind will not accept our continuity. So what can we use ITC for?
            Healing, I think. The mending of the broken heart that is receptive to its nourishment.
            Ignore the masses who do not need or want proof. We need to find the ones that do, or they will surely find us.

          • Mark Macy says:

            Hi Nicola,

            Call it gut feeling. 🙂

            I could be wrong about all of this, in which case my coming judgment day (or what Mr Raudive calls “the time of assessment, or weighing…” will be mighty interesting.

            (https://macyafterlife.files.wordpress.com/2022/03/c9602.pdf … see the article about the first contact in France on page 8…)

            But my take is, our spirit friends really want to open communication bridges with us on Earth in the most awesome and uplifting ways, but it’s very difficult for them to sustain a good bridge because of our turbulent emotions. They’ll continue to try their best, but our shaky emotional nature continues to corrupt the contact field, making it hard for them to hold the connection.

            I think that the ethereal facilitators (such as The Seven) worked overtime to hold the INIT bridge open under adverse conditions within our group in the late 90s (and probably the Scole group bridge as well). Now they want us all to just relax, reflect on everything, and to try to figure out what we can do from our side to RESONATE with each other. If we can do that, then it’ll make their job a LOT easier, and ITC will start to flourish on Earth.

            That’s my take on things, dear Nicola,


            • angusmacro says:

              It could be quite a wait, I fear, before our human race has an overall level of spiritual progression appropriate for the type of communication we hope for from our unseen friends.

            • Nicola says:

              Mac. I know that name..??

              Mark, perhaps consider adding forum software to this blog? It can be done. It’s in jet pack somewhere. There is at least one other forum covering this topic, but it attracts egotists. I didn’t post there after a few months. I just hope if you do it, the forum remains as exclusive as these blog comments. Fortunately your name does lend weight to intention. I would advise (FWIW) against a section devoted to ITC researchers shining light on their bushel insofar as communication goes, no self-promotion or other damaging stuff. No attachments, no hyperlinks other than a signature.

            • angusmacro says:

              I hope you know my name although I also hope it’s for the right reasons! 🙂 I’ve been around and about online since 2003 and you might have seen the odd posting from me as ‘mac’.

              I couldn’t register here with that name but it’s really who I am.

              mac aka ‘angus’

          • Mark Macy says:

            It’ll take some work (inner work), but I’m sure we can pull it off. 🙂

          • Mark Macy says:

            And it’s not the entire human race that has to resonate… just a small, cohesive group of experimenters… or as Nicola prefers to call them (and I agree)… communicators.

  12. Mark Macy says:

    This has become one of the most important posts on this website because of all of the comments being made, all of the imaginations being stretched, all of the incredibly bright ideas from angusmacro, Nicola, Kate, and you others… and yes, because of strong opinions that have led to some eruptions and perhaps some hurt feelings. All very reminiscent of what happened in INIT (and I suspect also happened in the Scole group).

    This captures the heart of ITC research because ITC is all about our humanness, and I woke up in the early hours today feeling that the correct approach to ITC in the future will indeed be helped by mechanisms built into ITC groups that deal appropriately and effectively with those natural human tendencies… tendencies to dream and to express ourselves and to analyze and to adapt new information to our own worldview and to feel the awe.

    And when our fears or doubts or preconceived ideas come head to head and result in conflict or hurt feelings, those too should be dealt with by the members involved. It involves members stretching themselves to try to empathize and understand each other’s positions. And it involves taking some time for self-reflection to see what aspects of character we ourself have added to the difficulties.

    That’s why I think that new template I developed for ITC groups might be helpful at some point in the future…

    The private site for active members centers around a personal workspace where, hopefully, these difficult situations can be resolved through self-reflection and inner work. And if that doesn’t work… if the hard feelings continue… then the members involved can be reassigned to some kind of provisional or inactive status until they can go through whatever sort of inner work they need to go through to resolve the difficulties. That way, the group can continue with its ITC pursuits while the difficulties are handled off-line… mostly by the members involved in the difficulties, but maybe with the help of facilitators if asked.

    I’ll probably want to write more about this, but for now I want to thank you who’ve been commenting on this post, especially Angusmacro and Nicola, for exposing the crux of ITC, opening yourselves up honestly, and showing some of the difficulties we humans face in sustaining ITC bridges. I have a feeling that if we can get through these situations we will have found the key to opening and sustaining exceptional ITC bridges in our world.


    • angusmacro says:

      It was my pleasure to offer a few thoughts. I think we have more we could beneficially discuss. I so wish there were a more suitable place to discuss not only our differences but also our similarities. Sadly this blog format is clunky and, I think, inefficient and ineffective. 😦

  13. kate says:

    Thankyou Mark for working so hard and doing these blogs, giving everyone a chance to expand. I’ve learned a lot from this blog…I realise I don’t really know much about ITC..I’ve made general assumptions based on my own experience which is wrong. I also realise I don’t read and take in what people say accurately and tend to go off at a tangent instead of staying focused. Nicola has opened my eyes too and Angus, I’m sorry, I misinterpreted what you were saying. I used to attend a group that had spiritual nights twice a week for a couple of years…wonderful people and wonderful experience. After a few months i found out they were arguing and falling out, this also happened in a developement circle too with the several teachers that taught us. I thought this kind of thing couldn’t possibly happen amongst such wonderful, spiritual people, (naive), and it was upsetting to know and feel the atmospheres. The teachers divided and a couple went off to form another group and it was a them and us situation not once but twice this happened. I had a group forming in my home but the conflict of egos ruined it before it really got going so it does seem a problem which hopefully can be solved in all different groups. Last but not least the ‘Calling Earth’ documentary I watched again, not sure if it’s 3 or 4 times now, it is a valuble documentary showing how spectacular ITC can be.

    • Mark Macy says:

      Thank you so much, Kate, for putting things in perspective.

      I certainly agree: Thank you, Dan Drasin, for your extraordinary (superhuman?) efforts to produce the Calling Earth documentary. I believe you’ve captured a place in the history books for opening up humanity to the other side. Things are going to shift in a very positive way.


  14. Nicola says:

    This thread – it’s become so long I cannot find what I was looking for.
    Although what I have said isn’t important to me (I am under the radar in ITC) – I am worried I have spread misinformation, which I would hate to do. It has always been my impression that anyone can receive ITC contacts. This has been denied by spiritside several times and I was only reawakened to that over the last few days, reading here and the Scole experiment book. I’m sorry, I was wrong. It seems to me that if I receive contact, being nothing special, anyone can. Thats not correct. Mea culpa.

    That’s not to say all receptive people will get a line to the light. The odious undercurrent still may need to be navigated .

    • Mark Macy says:

      No problem, Nicola,, these are just ripples in the big stream. We’re all doing the best we can. I think that if we all just stay focused on the love and sincerity of our efforts, the stream continues to flow in the right direction. I get the strong impression that your efforts are highly valued by the other side. They’ve got their eye on you.

    • kate says:

      Hi Nicola you probably already know but ‘The Afterlife Investigations’ about the Scoles is on youtube wth the added bonus of Rupert Sheldrake, Montague Keen and Dr David Fontanna interviews which are about the Scoles mediums and separate videos.

      • Nicola says:

        Hi Kate,

        Thanks. Yes I know. Scole was a wonderful representation of what can be presented and then dismissed as evidence for our survival. It doesn’t seem to matter what we present, it is ignored. In fact it’s almost as if we are shouting in the ear of those who were born profoundly deaf. There’s something strange there. Perhaps intentional? Perhaps humanity en-masse is not supposed to know? Perhaps the ego is there as an inhibitor, so we, as a species, can survive, to perpetuate earths lessons? If there was no inhibitor, what would be the point of Earth and its harsh, care-less environment?

        If that is a lesson to be learned we need to turn ITC messages over to the ones who will listen, the ones who need peace.


        • kate says:

          Totally agree with everything you just said. There isn’t a lot more if anything else to prove so it’s a case of pushing the subject gently forwards. One good thing about the spiritual groups is that they are popular and accepted as ok these days… it would be nice to see people going to a similar thing with ITC instead of the mediums…a bit like the woman that does sittings in ‘Calling Earth’…that could be the way forwards for the future or at least it would be another option, just a thought.

        • dominiquemb says:

          “In fact it’s almost as if we are shouting in the ear of those who were born profoundly deaf. There’s something strange there.”

          I agree, and I’ve felt this way for a while. It’s all very strange how so many people are bend-over-backwards skeptical of things that are not mainstream.

          Having read a lot of different medium reports, supposedly Earth is just a school and humanity is supposed to be this way in order for us to learn the lessons that we’re here for. I don’t necessarily agree with the way things have been set up, though. I’m searching for the lesson or silver lining and I can’t seem to find it.

          Why is it so hard to communicate with the people who have passed on? I wish I could find the answer.

          • kate says:

            I found the hard things in life seem to be my lessons but know exactly how you feel right now…Journey of Souls by Michael Newton was my first book I was advised to read but there is some good youtube stuff…hope you get more answers to your question

  15. angusmacro says:

    general observation/;

    This is Mark’s blog and not the best place to have a general, or targeted, discussion. Following who said what and responding to points made is so much harder in a blog ‘Replies’ scenario than in a fully-formatted website-forum one.

    I have much I’d like to add to the points made by other subscribers but the thread has become too long and too awkward. That’s a shame as there are things to say.

    mac posting under nom de plume ‘angusmacro’

    • Mark Macy says:

      you’re right, Mac (aka angusmacro), this is kind of a clumsy way to host a forum. Apparently I’m the only one (being it’s my blog) who can edit the comments with any effectiveness. (I just deleted one of your accidental reposts of the same content)

      For better or worse, this is what we’re stuck with here in this site. It’s probably just a matter of time before a better dialog opportunity is available on another site… (I hope it’s one patterned after the http://www.worlditcnet-private.weebly.com site!!… to build itself around inner work. Otherwise I’m sure it’ll go in the same ego/personality-driven direction that Kate talks about above.)


      • angusmacro says:

        I was hoping to encourage you along the lines of finalising your own forums website, Mark. The one that’s not far off completion. 🙂

        We have an ITC thread in a particular forum on one of the websites where I’m a regular but there’s not the range of interested subscribers there are here.

        Thanks for deleting my inadvertent double posting, by the way….

        • Mark Macy says:

          Thanks, Mac.

          Thanks to you, I’ve updated a page on my other (ITC group template) website in regards to chatrooms and forums.


          Whether I add a forum capability here on this macyafterlife website, as suggested by Nicola? Not sure at this point, but I’ll look into it.


          • Nicola says:

            If not Mark, I would happily look into administration of a forum on another domain. I’ve run such a thing in the past (but for cats, of all things).

          • angusmacro says:

            Those who come here to view the many interesting pages are likely to share a common interest and might welcome a place to engage with others of a similar persuasion. I’m not ‘volunteering’ you for extra work, Mark, but there’s some logic in having a discussion forum here.

  16. Nicola says:

    Mac, I think you post at the place I no longer post because it’s full of egotists and ass kissers (pardon the vulgarity). Rather you than me. I have a strong aversion to competitiveness and confrontation because it spoils my calm. And that affects communication. I can’t afford it because I’m hot tempered at the best of times. Bringing egos into the mix isnt good for me.
    If people are receiving marvellous communication, that is great for our field. As soon as they boast, brag or use it to represent their wonderfully pure spirituality, that is when it backfires. There’s too much of that at AF. In fact.. the young man that was prone to bragging. Where is he? He seems to have disappeared, along with all his work?

    • angusmacro says:

      As you’re affected in the way you describe I suppose it’s better you stay away from such websites. I don’t know who you saw bragging but this is not the place to gossip about other websites or the individuals found on – or lost from – them.

      Discussions about communication using electronic devices is the subject of this thread and we’re losing sight of that now…..

      • Nicola says:

        Oh well, I will consider myself told, as a gossipy old woman.
        Rather that than an illiterate egotist.
        The bighead was a young man who was headed for disaster as soon as he started bragging about two syllable messages being the best you could expect. That is misinformation.
        Tolerance for bullshit isn’t my forte, as smelling it doesn’t seem to be yours.

        • angusmacro says:

          As I said only a little earlier this is not the place to be gossiping about other websites. It’s also not the place to be criticising folk there, individuals unable to defend themselves.

          May we now return to the subject of this extended thread, the subject that Mark started?

          • Nicola says:

            Oh my. Individuals unable to defend themselves? Please. If Mark needs to see the dissonance you intentionally cause on other fora, be sure to keep pushing the point and I will tell him where he can find it. I knew your name, not through good posts, but confrontational dissonant challenges founded not in intellect but scepticism and ignorance.
            The guy I was talking about was a young man who was lording himself as the new voice in ITC, he should certainly be held accountable for his bullshit. His words on another forum are worldwide, not restricted to that forum.
            So ‘gossip’ remarks aside, if you say stuff on one forum you had better believe it will bite you on the ass elsewhere.

            • angusmacro says:

              I can – and I will – support and defend what I say in public. I will NOT engage with someone who appears to be trying to draw me into a slanging match. Any dissonance appears to be coming from you and the bad language definitely is doing.

              If you wish to bring someone’s public words into this public arena then by all means go ahead but it’s only fair and reasonable to allow the author to respond when you criticise them and their words.

    • dominiquemb says:

      I meant to reply to another post of yours but it had reached the max # of replies.

      I’m interested in joining any new group or forum that would be started. The only ITC-related forum that I know of is the one at ATransC, and it doesn’t seem to be too active nowadays.

      • Nicola says:

        Hi Dominique,

        It depends what your need is. Mark’s site (this one) is the best for the miraculous ITC contacts and ethereal information from INIT’s day. Many try to replicate this. Don’t be sucked in by other ITC researchers running groups or institutes. Without exception, the ones I’ve seen are all money grabbers. Look for the lone rangers and the people that give their time and their OWN money freely to this research. Look for Bacci (retired), anabella cardoso, Sonia Rinaldi.. and some German or european lone rangers.. Ernst senovski, Koenig, homes. Not all of them harmonised with other researchers, but alone, or in pairs, they did good work.

        If you plan to follow in their footsteps be aware it is lonely and hard work.

        I would not recommend ANY current afterlife forums as they attract egotists and bullshitters.


  17. Nicola says:

    What bad language?
    Ass? Shit?

    Fortunately Mark knows me, and my intention. I’m not sure, in fact I would assert, he doesn’t know yours.

    • angusmacro says:

      You’d be exactly correct with your assertion but it appears Mark doesn’t feel threatened. Nor should he.

      • Nicola says:

        Why would he feel threatened by you mac? You are attacking me, not Mark.

        • angusmacro says:

          I’m responding to the points you made. Perhaps you consider that anyone who does not agree with you is attacking you?

          • Nicola says:


            “Perhaps you consider that anyone who does not agree with you is attacking you?”

            This is not the first time I have heard this, and recently too, so it has to be true from an external perspective.
            However ‘agree’ opens itself up to interpretation. I don’t think we have disagreed (taken opposing sides) on anything spiritual. I try to speak only the truth with regards to ITC, if I get something wrong I try to correct it immediately, if I offer my opinion or my own interpretation, or my own theories I hope this I make clear.

            What there has been is a personality clash from the start of this thread. Instead of digesting lumps at a time I left it a week to read only to find the first part of the discussion sidetracked by the discussion of the use of the word miracles. This was unnecessary, or if necessary it could have been resolved in a post or two instead of the epic it became. My withering observation obviously stung you (I am not surprised) and despite seeming to ignore it, you took first opportunity to deliver a blow when I wasn’t expecting it. When I realised where I had seen your name before, and I think after already mentioning the where (without explicitly naming it) during a different matter, I took the opportunity to ask about an unnamed person on an unnamed forum who seems to have vanished after being so active. The opportunity open, instead of a reasonable reply, I was summarily ‘put in my place/put down/scolded’ by a firm assertion that this was gossip and was basically none of my business. That could have been handled in another way, but like my ill thought out reprimands about getting off track, it wasn’t, causing shame with the word gossip and doubt about my intentions in bringing it up.

            I found this embarrassing, and ego hurt, I countered and have continued to do so.

            My remark about your intentions, to Mark, was supposed to be factual, not ‘dark’. If I wanted to frighten someone I wouldn’t use hints and their paranoia to frighten them. In fact I wouldn’t want to frighten another soul. But, from the other place I vaguely remember you as being a dogmatic cynic rather than a sceptic, even whilst peppering your speech with your wishes that the afterlife were definitely the case, but has not been proven to your satisfaction. Is this not you?

            The existence of our survival should not be up for debate here or anywhere there are or have been ITC contacts received. We are way past that – the question has become ‘now what’?’ and any doubts about our continuing existence are as relevant as arguing about whether the earth is flat. Doubt can cause dissonance and illwill. Negative spirits flock to this and feed off it. For a fledgling researcher this is the kiss of death to communication until the matter can be put to bed.

            I used the word ‘despise’ in a post earlier. I am sorry, that was far too strong and akin to setting my house on fire so I wouldn’t have to do laundry. That was more to emphasise the dissonant nature of humans if you put two together. This is something Mark and I have disagreed on, on a number of occasions, with my thinking that you need only one earthside recipient because feelings of jealousy or competition cannot exist with just one person. The work is hard enough without introducing ego problems between two.

            This is long and off topic. I’m sorry for that too. I would be happy for you to delete any posts off topic I have made, Mark. I have saved this to send to Mac just in case.

        • angusmacro says:

          He might feel threatened because you darkly mention that he doesn’t know my intention. I wonder what you think that “intention” might be? What is it I intend to do?

  18. Nicola says:

    This shows, Mark, why humans cannot work together. Mac may be ok. I may be ok. But put us both in the same room and we will shatter resonance. I despise his ignorance, he despises me back. This is what will happen.

    • angusmacro says:

      You despise my ignorance but are you now the arbiter of who is too ignorant, and who is sufficiently intelligent, to post views and thoughts on Mark Macey’s blog?

    • Mark Macy says:

      Dear Nicola and Mac,

      First of all I want to thank you both, a LOT, for going through this grueling process that shows how difficult resonance can be among us humans. I think you’ve captured the gist of why ITC isn’t working in our world. It’s not your fault or mine, it’s just our humanness. As such, I think your dialog has been invaluable here on this website. And, believe me, I know the pain you both are going through, because I’ve been sharing it each step of the way. And I lived it much more intimately and painfully and personally in the latter years of INIT.

      You’ve both probably written things here that you wish you could take back. I also have written some things on this site and in this comment string that I regretted, but I was able to edit my comments because wordpress gives me that opportunity.

      If either of you wishes for me to change or remove something you’ve written, I will. Just let me know, either in the comments or through a personal email. (itcmark@gmail.com) However I’d much prefer to leave everything as it is, because it is such a valuable, real-life illustration of our humanness.

      I’ve developed a very high regard for both of you for your intellect and background knowledge. On one hand, there’s the trite but true feeling that it dismays me to see you two at odds. On the other hand, and much more valuable, it shows me the importance of how different ITC groups could evolve in different directions in the future, different researchers joining different groups where they can resonate with members of like mind… and at the same time begin to attract a spirit group that also resonates with them.

      And Nicola, I can see clearly why you prefer working alone in ITC. You’re not just brilliant, but maybe hypersensitive? Still, I think that if you fell in with the right people with whom you feel empathy and rapport, it might be wonderful. Or maybe you’ll only find that with your good spirit group. In any case, I see good things for you in ITC.

      Anyway, I just wanted to tell you both how much I’ve appreciated what you’ve shared here, despite the pain I suspect it’s caused you both.


      • Nicola says:

        Thanks Mark. Brilliant I’m not, but hyper-sensitive I am. My team have had to swap people out. At first I wasn’t sure why.. what I had done wrong (other than be my usual self), but I think that’s actually the key. The team has to be exceptional because my personality is not easy to love. My words are delivered harshly with little patience, tolerance or empathy. To be otherwise, while more loveable, is – to me – dishonest and manipulative. I have a ‘disorder’ (wiring difference) called Asperger’s syndrome, autism. Of course we now have this label, but years ago I would have just been thought of as a disagreeable socially inept buffoon. I still am. 😉

        Resonance is not mentioned spiritside.. love is. Perhaps resonance needs to be present Earth side with earthside teams, and love needs to come from spiritside? This is why I can’t work with others. To resonate with me you would have to be very similar, and then I would find you annoying, and the resonance has gone down the toilet again!

      • angusmacro says:

        At 70 years old I take much care to write what I mean, Mark. Unlike fine wine or whisky I’m not improving with age!

        Except for errors or clumsy presentation I mean what I write. It’s what comes of being a feet-of-clay Taurean who’s analytical by training and by aptitude. I rarely write without thinking and even more rarely post in haste or annoyance. Here I take particular care as I know there’s no way to edit what I’ve posted.

        I’m happy for what I’ve written to remain and for me to be judged on it.

        • Mark Macy says:

          Many thanks, Mac… and Kate.
          My son’s got bipolar and some other stuff, which adds to my desire to explore the boundaries of human feelings and relations.
          Warm wishes to you both,

        • Mark Macy says:

          Also, something I’ve never made public before and only 3 or 4 friends and family know, I too (almost certainly) contend with mild Aspergers. In my youth, as one of three brothers sharing two bedrooms, I always had to have my own bedroom because I couldn’t handle being near people for any length of time. School classrooms were torture. Outside I was usually looking down. In smalltown Colorado in the 1950s you didn’t go to psychologists, so I was just regarded as painfully shy and socially awkward.

          Years ago I joined Toastmasters, and I went through a period forcing myself to speak publicly, which all helped a lot, but there’s still residue. I still spend most of my time alone (unlike my wife Regina who has and needs a large circle of friends and helps draw me out of my shell), and I have moments of angry intolerance toward what I consider idiotic and destructive human behavior. I set that anger free occasionally on my other (noblesavageworld) website. Here on macyafterlife I try to keep myself on an even keel.

          So, Kate and Nicola, I can empathize….


          • kate says:

            Thanks Mark. Unfortunatly my son has been suicidal for years and started drinking and I think taking drugs. He doesn’t have empathy and has very low self esteem. He lashes out at his loved ones yet can be sweetness and light at other times. He doesn’t live with me now and recently we had a conflict leading to him threatening me visciously…I’m battling with myself about what to do, he’s an adult and can be frightening. His sisters have no tolerance for him and have never really understood, no matter how hard I’ve tried to explain, his behaviour. I see traits of aspergers in lots of people now…it’s a good thing that technically the behaviour is accepted and understood although putting that understanding into practice can be difficult. Kudos to anyone that is upfront and speaks out about it.

          • Mark Macy says:

            Kate, there’s another article on this site that you might find interesting… especially some of the comments at the end, which are similar to yours above.


            Don’t know if you’ve read that article already?


          • Nicola says:

            Kate, I don’t know how rare it is for aspies to live without comorbidities such as uni or bi polar depression. I only know two aspies personally, me and my husband. We both also have bipolar (him) and recurrent major depressive disorder (unipolar) (me). Along with that, anxiety of varying degrees. Asperger’s alone wouldn’t give your boy suicidal ideation because it’s a wiring difference not a mood disorder. The self aware aspie is bound to develop mood disorders even if he or she is not born with them. Self medicating with drink (me) or drugs (him) is something I recognise and can only be stopped, while living, with acceptance and understanding of your own condition. The drink or drugs is used as an anaesthetic to be somewhere other than your own angry head with its voices demanding you finish your project because you have so much to do, telling you you can be better – that was a miserable effort, telling you people are stupid, then .. no.. wait YOU are stupid. The list goes on. An aspies head is a frightening place to be, which is probably why I can pretty much ignore the shadowlands voices. I’ve heard it all before, from me. Psychological torture is nothing and if people say something designed to hurt me, that’s nothing too. As well as being hyper-sensitive, I am insensitive. That’s a large, lumpy pill to swallow.

            Your boys explosion of rage at you is probably something he barely remembers. Unlike normal people he won’t hold onto that cos you are his mum and he will (wrongly) assume you will understand. This isn’t to say aspies don’t hold grudges. Boy can they ever.

            Again I’ve gone off track. Sorry Mark. Kate if you would like an insight on into your boys head, I might be able to help. You may have heard this before though.. if you have met one person with Asperger’s syndrome you’ve met one person with Asperger’s syndrome. We are all unique, but do share some common problems (otherwise there would be nothing to diagnose). Please use the contact link on my site if needed.

  19. kate says:

    Just looked at Marks link for worlditc.net…ended up on the 12 step programme which I’ve never seen before…really well done, usefull site and very interesting the 12 step programme…I think we could all do with at the very least 3 months of inner work here lol..if the facilitators are good it will certainly help in a big way. It does seem a big task to be undertaken, running the site, but the results could be amazing.

    • Mark Macy says:

      Much appreciated, Kate. I’ve come to believe that when we’re on the other side, we all migrate (or are drawn) naturally into spiritual communities of like-minded people… and so resonance becomes a way of life over there, at least more than it is here on Earth.

      Here on Earth we’re all in the same boat, so to speak, and incompatibilities lead to conflict. I’m hoping that the worlditcnet approach to ITC groups could help us humans be more like our spiritual counterparts. The private workspace gives members the chance to do some self-reflection when interpersonal conflicts arise, an opportunity to think about the group mission and afterlife model and the other members of the group… and to decide if this is the group they really want to be a part of. If so, then they can go within themselves to see what defects of character are contributing to the conflicts within the group, and they can work on that.

      I’m close to people who are working the 12 steps, and it’s not really a case of recognizing your defects of character, resolving them, and moving on. It’s usually a case of having to contend with them often, for months or years, maybe for the rest of your life, and getting in the habit of dealing with them as they come up… and knowing that there’s a part of us, deep within these carnal shells, that is the source of answers and peace. Here in English-speaking western culture we usually call that “God.” So when our personal defects make an appearance and start to stir up doubts and fears and resentments that spin off into conflicts within us and with those around us, we get in the habit of turning the problems over to God, with the understanding that we personally have no power over other people. If we get in the habit of taking the problems off our own shoulders and turning them over to that higher power that has all the answers, and recognizing our own defects of character, then we can relax. Our lives and our interactions with other people become more peaceful.

      I’m coming to the conclusion that when I die there’s a chance I’ll be involved in ITC from the other side of the veil. If that’s the case, then I’m pretty sure that I’ll be looking for ITC groups on Earth whose members are working diligently to sustain resonance amongst themselves. And I believe the worlditcnet template is about the only approach to ITC that takes that into account at the present time.

      I’ve been planning to write an article about that on this website, since I’m already 67 and counting. I’m sure I’ll get inspired to write it in the coming days and weeks. Meanwhile, when I see conflicts erupt in chatrooms and forums, it takes me back to the latter days of INIT, when our ITC bridge closed down… and I get the same feelings in the pit of my stomach.

      I guess maybe my purpose in life (at least one of my purposes) is to try to find tools and techniques that can help us unruly humans to overcome all of that… to become more resonant. That’s certainly a purpose with a long shelf life.


      • Nicola says:

        I do wonder what I will be doing spiritside. I would like to think it would be ITC from that side but as I have a problem with socialising in general, maybe I will end up staring at a wall in meditative silence. I hope not. That’s not very helpful. :-/

      • kate says:

        The work you have done and do is very valuble. Things gradually evolve through trial and error. Conflict…what a subject that is!. It’s good, it’s bad, it seems necessary, it can be beautiful, ugly, stimulating, annoying, educational, destructive, loving, tedious, hateful and when your in it hurtful. There’s nothing like talking to people properly face to face or over the phone but anything that involves typing seems to lead to a lot more conflict. Finding tools and techniques to help will be the holy grail to ITC I would imagine. It would be interesting to see models of other harmonious groups. Really looking forwards to your next blog Mark it does sound interesting already.

        • Mark Macy says:

          Hi Kate, I’ve actually thought a lot about that over the years… models of other harmonious groups. I thought of military boot camps held together with tight routine and discipline, choruses of men and women who are literally in harmony, monks in a monastery or cloistered nuns, or employees in a company that’s currently doing noble work and making money. Can any of these groups ever be free of the human fears, doubts, desires, envy, resentment… that eventually stir up interpersonal conflict?

          When I think, “I doubt it” (as I often do), then I’ve already planted seeds of discord by adding doubt to the mix.

          So, an ITC group would probably be forged of members…

          • who love the true notion of an afterlife paradise where our spirit partners live,
          • who know deep within that communicating with those good souls is the right thing to be doing,
          • who trust each other’s sincerity and honesty and good motivations,
          • who have left behind most of their fears and doubts and envy by fostering trust and honesty and good will on a daily basis or as a way of life.


          • kate says:

            A certain famous college is part of the Spiritualist National Union and from what I can see it doesn’t seem to be able to filter out conflicts and egos infact some seem worse for it although there are probably many that are better off too. I think you are right, I doubt it too. Your template does seem to cover all angles and even short periods of high quality communication with continuous moderation and filtering is better than none… stopping and starting might just be the way it will be. If the template doesn’t work progress has still been made because the hypothesis has been tested. Small trance medium groups seem to be successful.

  20. angusmacro says:

    quote: “But, from the other place I vaguely remember you as being a dogmatic cynic rather than a sceptic, even whilst peppering your speech with your wishes that the afterlife were definitely the case, but has not been proven to your satisfaction. Is this not you?”

    No it wasn’t me. I think you’ve confused me with someone else. I feel I need to say a little more, though….

    Cynical? Sometimes about the motives and behaviours of humankind but about life-beyond-death? – absolutely not! I’ve been certain about our survival since our baby son passed 33 years ago. I’ve been writing online since 2003, always with surety that we survive our death and live on. I’m happy to admit I’m sceptical about issues that are not well-enough presented for my satisfaction. I am comfortable in stating that I’ll challenge anything not well thought out or presented.

    But here you ask “Is this not you?” based on what you thought you remembered vaguely from another website. Perhaps that explains much….

  21. kate says:

    Thanks Mark and Nicola…wow Nicola I clicked on you and will look through your site in the next couple of days. Can you send me a link regarding the aspergers. Mark I will be looking at yours too thanks. It’s very difficult to help my son now, I do need professional advice…I might ring the the number he had given him for counselling with autism. I do know that there is a large spectrum of aspergers and autism and each individual is unique with varying degrees of similarities. He also has dyspraxia which I think complicates things even more and brought about low self esteem especially in secondary school where everything was difficult for him. He had every therapy you can think of. I better stop here because he is very complex, even the psychiatrist said he’s a complicated case. This has promped me to seek out advice especially on how I should deal with him because I’ve come to the end of knowing what to do. Thanks again x

    • Nicola says:

      Hi Kate

      I don’t remember where I read it, but it seems exactly right to me – aspies cannot respond to therapy of the type that discusses feelings. I suppose counselling for tips on how to pass as a sociable creature could be useful, but that comes at an enormous price for the individual when it should be society exercising tolerance and understanding too. Ever tried to write with your ‘wrong’ hand and be so good at it that nobody notices you are writing with the wrong hand? Counselling an aspie will give him the tools to write with the wrong hand, but how awful for the aspie to be told his way is unacceptable and he must blend in. All the time. No break, ever. Who are we to break such an individual? We are not horses.

      http://www.autism.org.uk/about/what-is/asperger.aspx Might help.

      I don’t think it covers anger or does it justice. Anger is a huge problem for us.

      • kate says:

        Thanks so much. The mainstream school experience was horrendous for him at secondary..up untill then he was happy and delighfull. Absolutely agree with being forced to do things that are always to hard. Even though he was statemented the detentions were hideous all the time, constantly being punished. The psychiatrist suggested he ring the autism helpline and could take part in group activities because they don’t do one to one counselling. Spot on about the counselling. Reading you say that anger is a problem is very helpfull.

  22. Ricky says:


    How exciting it is that this recent work – Calling Earth – has been released! I plan to take some time to watch (and enjoy) it soon. When I get to see such spiritually-rewarding films (I’d also like to mention Nosso Lar), it sparks a flicker of joy in me.


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