Worlds Within Worlds 35 — Extraterrestrials and “The Project”

Our INIT group (1995-2000) received a contact from a group of seven ethereal beings in the fall of 1996. It arrived through the telephone answering device of our Luxembourg members, Maggy Fischbach and Jules Harsch. Most of the Luxembourg ITC contacts were arriving in German, but that one was in English. Here’s how the message began:

In the course of bygone decades, of thousands of earthly years, beings interested in human species meet to decide on the continuation of The Project. You must not imagine that only The Seven implicated in the actual development of INIT are there; no, it is a coming-together of all entities interested in mankind. The interests are various…. (Here’s the message in its entirety… )

So… what exactly is that “Project,” and who are all those entities who’ve been interested in mankind for thousands of earthly years? I’ve become increasingly certain that the “entities interested in mankind” are not just those we think of as spirits and angels (ethereal beings), but also those we think of as “extraterrestrials” or ETs. This article tries to put ETs into context of the bigger picture of the omniverse… or what we sometimes think of as “the afterlife.” Along the way we’ll see if we can figure out what “The Project” really is.

What Are Extraterrestrials?

Top photo: “The Sun and our solar system in relation to the Milky Way galaxy. The white circle indicates the area where the majority of exoplanets have been found with current telescopes. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/T. Pyle.”
Lower photo: View from the Hubble telescope.
(Both images courtesy of NASA.)

Extraterrestrials are quasi-physical beings who live “in and around” our material universe, especially our galaxy. They can adjust their vibration to move to nearby dimensions or parallel universes that are superimposed over our own universe. That’s why, if we happen to see a UFO, it might appear as a ghostly shimmering object or a pulsing ball of light rather than something solid. Or it might suddenly vanish or streak over the horizon at mach 10. ETs are not confined to our material dimension with our laws of physics and our sense of time and space. (More about that in a moment.)

While there’s a lot of fascinating ET research underway, we’ll try to get a good representative sampling with the work of Dr Steven Greer, Paul Hamden, William Treurniet, Darryl Anka, and Stan Romanek.

According to them, here are some basic facts we should know about extraterrestrials:

(Please bear in mind that my chief interest for the past 30 years has been the information that we’ve received from spiritual sources, especially through ITC—the use of technology to get in touch with spiritual beings. ETs are physical beings like us, but they’ve developed a much finer connection than we have to spirit as well as to each other. Some ETs are even learning how to modulate their physical bodies to a finer vibration in order to move between the physical and spiritual realms. So I’ve gathered up the following points from people who know a lot more about ETs than I do. I believe those five experts are in general agreement on these points.)

  • Many trillions of extraterrestrials flourish in our Milky Way galaxy.
  • They each belong to one of several races or species of highly intelligent ETs, and some of them are interested in mankind here on Earth.
  • Though some of those ET races have home planets located in various star systems in the galaxy—some beyond the view of our telescopes—most of their “cities” are in large ships, so each race is really spread among various star systems in the galaxy. They’re galactic or interstellar races, whereas we humans are a planetary race… but that could change someday.
  • There are other small planetary races like ours in the galaxy that the galactic races are interested in, but they consider us on Earth to be kind of a special case, as we’ll see in a moment.
  • The members within a galactic race are all connected to each other mentally (like psychic cell phones in a big network), and some large races are also connected mentally to each other (like several big, compatible, overlapping cell networks), so they thrive in a mutually supportive, peaceful, friendly way for the most part. It’s a vast, resonant sea of brilliant life that flourishes in the galaxy in the form of extraterrestrial civilizations.
  • Nearly all of those galactic races that we’re aware of have the best interests of humanity and Planet Earth at heart. That’s true of races that originated on planets in Arcturus, Pleiades, Zeta Reticuli, Orion, Sirius, and some other star systems.
  • There are some minor exceptions. A few galactic races have been struggling a bit to survive and flourish. There are the Reptilians and what might be called the “lesser Zetas” or “abductor Zetas,” who seem to have a narrower, what’s-in-it-for-me agenda in their interest in humanity, but their influence on our world seems to be comparatively small. And the greater galactic civilizations (especially what could be called the “greater Zetas” or “refined Zetas”) generally intercede to try to undo any damage done to us humans by the lesser groups.
  • For many thousands of years (of our time) there’s been a lot of cross-breeding among galactic races—possibly as a way to help homogenize and unify the races—and yes, we humans have been (and still are) included in that cross-breeding. As a rule, when it involves people on Earth it’s done by permission from the individuals involved, even if the permission was given at a spiritual level and the participant isn’t consciously aware of his or her choice. (Again, there are a few exceptions, and we’ll explore the “abduction” scenario briefly through the experiences of one well-known abductee who’s included below as one of the experts.)
  • The vast majority of those galactic extraterrestrial races want to help us—in fact, they want us to join their galactic networks if and when we’re ready to join them. But for now they’re concerned about the less supportive, less peaceful, less friendly, less resonant way of life in our world… where living things kill and eat each other. Our dog-eat-dog life style is rare in the galaxy, and it stirs up lots of bad feelings—not just the, um, indigestion, but especially the fear, resentment, anger, deception, helplessness, aggression, and other dark energies and feelings that spin out of predatory living.*
  • Again, those galactic ETs resonate mentally, so they pick up on humanity’s dark thoughts, and they experience it as pollution. From their perspective, the bristling thought-energy from Earth is a minor disruption to the harmony of the galaxy.
  • The galactic races are working with each other to help raise life on Earth to a place of greater peace, oneness, and harmony. That’s the key to humanity becoming a galactic race one day: resonance and oneness-of-mind among its members.

*(Note: I believe that these advanced galactic races don’t have to eat or drink or excrete waste, nor do they reproduce in a way that a female of the species becomes pregnant. I’m not even sure if all of the galactic races have gender—male and female versions of themselves. I believe they’re nourished mostly by life-energy from the source, and those who produce children do so mostly with energy and consciousness (spiritual, as in reincarnation) and some genetic tinkering (as opposed to biological coupling)—maybe involving a couple or a scientific team or maybe with community involvement. I’ve found sources that seem to support that belief, but anything conclusive about the various races of ETs eating, drinking, excreting, and reproducing might have to wait for a future article, if and when I can gather more conclusive information on the subject.)

And that, I think, is the crux of “The Project”: Many trillions of spiritual and extraterrestrial beings have been exchanging ideas for many thousands of earthly years about the fate of humanity on Earth.

Can we humans overcome the dissonance that was planted in our world and in our biochemistry long, long ago? Can we achieve the mental harmony necessary to become a galactic civilization?

The experts below have ideas about how this might come about on a planetary scale, and then at the end of the article we’ll consider the need for inner peace at a personal level during this period of global discord… all signs pointing toward harmony within us, harmony within humanity, harmony with the galactic races, and harmony with the omniverse.

(Hm, I’ve noticed while writing this that these experts are all white males. If I write another ET article someday, I’ll try to include more diversified sources, for example, women who describe a loving presence that’s almost angelic while connecting mentally with Arcturians and Pleiadians and Sirians. After all, women seem to have a more refined vibration than men, as a rule. For example, few would argue that women are as generally aggressive and predatory as men are… but that’ll have to wait for a future article.)

What the Experts Say

Last week I enjoyed a dream in which I was brought aboard a big galactic ship and met some of the crew. Most of them looked like ordinary adults around 30 years old. One fellow, who seemed to be in charge of a small team sitting before a large TV monitor on the wall, had a sense of humor. He swiveled around, smiled at me, and we joked about a few things that I don’t recall. A dog approached, and I bent down, nuzzled the top of its head, rubbed its neck, and felt an affection for it as though it were a family pet. Then I turned around and saw a woman who was in charge of another small crew doing maintenance on a smaller ship in the same big room. She acknowledged my presence with a nod then resumed her work. Then I woke up. It was not a profound or moving experience for me. It seemed, well, natural, as though I’d been invited there for a brief, friendly visit. But looking back on that short dream, I can only imagine the wonders that some ET researchers must experience over the years!

Clockwise from top left:
1) artist rendition of the quasi-physical paradise Essassani, with two ships overhead (Darryl Anka’s “First Contact” film),
2) photo of a UFO in our world. (July 31, 1952, Passaic NJ, USA)
3) artist rendition of an Essassani triangular craft (“First Contact”),
4) artist rendition of a zeta-human hybrid from Essassani (“First Contact”)
5) ET-like face that I caught on Polaroid film years ago at an Earth Transformation Conference, whose hosts said they were in touch with Arcturians. (read more about how the original photo was halved and mirrored to produce this picture…)
6) an “abductor zeta” caught on video peeking into the kitchen through the patio door (“Extraordinary: The Stan Romanek Story” film).
(Note: If owners of these pictures object to their use here, let me know and I’ll remove them. MM)

Here’s a brief overview of the research and experiences of a few key people who’ve been immersed in extraterrestrial understanding for many years. I’ll list them in alphabetical order of their first names. There are lots of fascinating articles, books, videos, and movies associated with their work, and I’ll provide links. If this article is of any interest to you, then you’ll probably relish their books and videos. Much of their information is mind-boggling, as it’s beyond our current science, but we’ll try to resolve all that by the end of the article. (I’ll sprinkle in a few of my own comments along the way, and put them in italic parentheses like this.)

Darryl Anka has been channeling information for some 30 years from the trillions of zeta-human hybrids called Essassanis who make up their Association of Worlds, which has spread through part of our galaxy. Their home planet—Essassani—is a semi-physical, semi-astral, paradise world in a star system some 300 light-years away, not yet noticed by our scientists through their telescopes. Only about 250 million Essassanis live on their home planet while the rest of them live in “cities” aboard massive ships that explore many planets. They’ve established supportive, live-and-let-live relationships with planetary races of many of those worlds. The Essassanis don’t have names associated with personalities—they’re all connected mentally in group consciousness throughout their vast network—but Anka has established a rapport with one particular Essassani fellow whom he calls Bashar (rhymes with guitar). Anka hosts seminars around the world in which he goes into a trance, connects mentally with Bashar, gives a brief greeting and message to the audience, then answers people’s questions about extraterrestrials, their lives and interests, and their interactions with us humans on Earth. While Anka is sharing the dialog vocally with his audience, Bashar is sharing it mentally with several thousand, or sometimes several hundreds of thousands of his Essassani friends. Apparently the mental rapport between Anka and Bashar was not easy to establish and sustain at first. Bashar said it was like trying to mesh a big, steady, slow-moving gear (the group-mind of a galactic or interstellar being) with a small, unsteady gear (the mind of a planetary being like a human on Earth). Unless the rapport was established with patience and care over a period of years, there was the risk of a mental breakdown. Here are some of the things Bashar has told us about his race and their activities:

  • It doesn’t take ETs 20 years or 20 lifetimes to travel to distant planets like ours. As they explain it, distance (or space) is an illusion that we humans on Earth seem to be trapped in during our short lifetimes. In the greater reality, travel just about anywhere can be instantaneous under the right conditions. The galactic ETs view location as a quality of a structure (the way spirit friends have told ITC researchers on Earth that they see time as a bodily substance).
  • So time as we experience it on Earth (like space or location) is also an illusion. The Essassanis can apparently hop around in time to some degree; they say they visit our world from what we would consider “the future.”
  • The Essassanis work openly with some planetary cultures, but they haven’t been able to make public appearances on Earth because the hostility and fear in our world prevent it. “Who wants to go into a war zone or into an asylum where everyone’s armed?” Anka/Bashar jokes at seminars. “The Earth is a war zone!”
  • Some governments, especially the USA, are very well aware of the Essassanis and other galactic races, but their interest is not to join the ETs, but to defend against them while protecting the general public from their presence. (Living things on Earth don’t trust each other because of the predatory nature of the planet, so we project our mistrust onto the ETs.) The only help our governments currently want from the galactic races is advanced technology to develop better weapon systems. The Essassanis and other galactic races refuse to cooperate in such madness, but there are a couple of those races who are struggling, as mentioned earlier, and they’re willing to trade a bit of their technology with Earth governments (in return for certain favors that we’ll discuss in a moment). That said, the technologies are all based on mental focus and resonance, or harmony, so they’re of limited use here on Earth at the present time. (The ETs already know that, and Earth governments are starting to figure it out too, leaving them in a sort of “catch-22” position with alien technology used for military purposes. Galactic technologies can only be used for peace and order, not for conflict and chaos—and not because of some sort of moral principle, but because of what might be called a law of galactic physics dealing with mental resonance.)
  • Essassanis and other galactic races view humans on Earth as exceptionally focused and adaptive, so that our technologies evolve much faster than the norm. At the same time, they think of us as “masters of limitation” because we’re mostly unaware of our multidimensional (spiritual) makeup and our innate capacity to transcend the limitations of three-dimensional (or what they call “third-density”) living in which we’ve been stuck for many thousands of years.
  • The only time Essassanis have come close to “arguing” with a planetary race is when they try to describe life on Earth. Other planetary races can’t believe our kind of mental limitation is possible. So there’s a lot of fascination with our world.
  • Though live-and-let-live is the rule among the galactic races when dealing with each other and with planetary races, the galactic races intercede on rare occasions when there’s a serious problem brewing on a planet. Last century they deactivated—“dampened electromagnetically”—all the launch mechanisms on our nuclear weapons. Governments, again, were well aware of that intervention, but they saw it as a show of force—a threat—rather than a protective measure. (Hence the silly “Star Wars” program in the USA.) Anka/Bashar explains that nuclear annihilation on Earth would “tear through the dimensional fabric of other space-time continuums” and jeopardize other civilizations that have nothing to do with Earth. That, aptly, is a galactic no-no.
  • The Essassanis see a likelihood of world unity in the near future. (The United Nations was probably the most important step in history toward world unity, but it hasn’t worked very well because of all the squabbling over national interests.) One solution, says Anka/Bashar, might involve be a “triumvirate” or friendship or close association that develops soon between the USA, Russia, and China. (The three governments will go about adopting planetary standards and values to ensure peace and stability, and then the rest of the world will fall in line. Sounds promising, but considering all of the religious, scientific, and political zeal and inherent human distrust it may not be easy to pull off. Bashar also predicted, in the 1990s, that humans on Earth could be ready to employ galactic spacecraft technology as early as 2017, and that humanity could be ready to join the Galactic Association of Worlds by 2027. Galactic races who take mental harmony for granted might underestimate the challenges posed by Earth’s predatory living conditions that we take for granted.)
  • Anka/Bashar acknowledges at various seminars that making predictions for a time-based continuum, especially the timeframe on Earth, is extremely difficult.
  • Halloween, or All Hallow’s Eve, traces back to the destruction of Atlantis, which occurred on what would have been on (or around) November 1 (a mid-autumn timeframe) some 12,000 years ago. Today’s social and political chaos traces back not just to bad choices made in Atlantis, but to a time long, long ago when “the planet Maldek (or Eden or Marduk) destroyed itself.” Earth societies today have many of the same technologies and feisty personalities (and, in some cases, the same sort of bullying political dominance) that Atlantis had on Earth when it was still thriving.
  • One of humanity’s biggest steps toward becoming a galactic race will be to finally realize that “OUR PRESENT IS NOT THE RESULT OF OUR PAST.” Everyone in the galactic races lives in the moment. Everyone’s part of collective mind that’s evolving. Everyone’s simply a part of that evolution. Everyone’s in harmony. That’s the way of life of a galactic being. (Being consumed by the past or the future serves no purpose, since time is an illusion.)
  • Bashar refers to it (advancing from a planetary to a galactic race) as an evolution from a “third-density world to a fourth-density world.” Density refers to the vibration of the planet, where third is a denser vibration and fourth is a subtler vibration. Everything everywhere has a “signature frequency,” and the signature frequency of a planet is determined largely by the collective consciousness of its inhabitants. A fourth-density planet the size of Earth would probably support a population of about 50 million people. In fourth-density the people would be in harmony—of one mind—and billions of them would (presumably) begin living aboard ships. (And many, of course, would simply leave the planet and “return home” to the spirit worlds.)
  • The five laws of creation everywhere are 1) you exist, 2) all is now, 3) all is one, 4) what you put out you get back, and 5) everything changes except these laws.
  • Finally, the most important thing people on Earth can do now to start lifting the vibration of themselves and their planet is simply to do the things in life that stir their excitement. (Not the hormonal excitement that comes through sex and gambling and rollercoasters and mind-altering drugs and alcohol, but the soul-stirring kinds of excitement that give a lifetime meaning and purpose.)
  • Sources: First Contact movie (available on Amazon Prime), Masters of Limitation 2020 book summarizing the Essassani infomation, Shards of a Shattered Mirror 2020 novel, Blueprint for Change 1996 book (out of print) summarizing the Essassani information.

Paul Hamden and William Treuniet are discussed together here. Paul Hamden’s work is similar to Darryl Anka’s work. He channels various galactic ET races, but especially the refined Zetas. William Treuniet is retired from a science career and now spends his time exploring other-worldly truths. He has meticulously interpreted much of the information coming through Paul Hamden. Here are a few key points they’ve gathered from the galactic races:

  • All galactic races share the goal of oneness within each race and among races, because “all energies come from one place, one source energy; they all long to be reunited with the ‘whole’.” (That is exactly the definition of basic human spirituality—an effort to establish and sustain a conscious connection to the source that creates and nourishes the entire omniverse with life-energy.) The galactic races flourish on harmony.
  • The galactic races have been concerned about the low-vibration thoughts leaking into the galaxy from Earth, disrupting the harmony. They experience it as a sort of mental pollution, which has gotten worse in recent decades as modern technologies amplify human fear, deception, hatred, and other dissonant vibrations. It could become a serious pollution problem, and efforts are underway to try to solve it… to nip it in the bud in a peaceful way.
  • One solution: an ET (Zeta or otherwise) and a human spirit can form a hybrid consciousness and incarnate on Earth for a lifetime. As millions of these pairings are made, millions of people are born on Earth with a finer, lighter state of being. These hybrid incarnations are always done with permission of both parents, and that permission is usually given at a spiritual level which the parents themselves might not consciously remember.
  • That project (a sort of galactic seeding or star-seeding project on Earth) can help raise the planetary vibration and move humanity toward 1) a resonant collective consciousness and 2) open two-way mental communication between humans and the galactic races. (Achieving that resonance would also enable instrumental transcommunication or ITC—that is, delivering information to Earth directly through equipment—to become a mainstream mode of earthly communication for both ETs and spirits.) At present, about 30 percent of Earth’s people have this combined ET-spiritual heritage, while the rest of us have the traditional spiritual lineage within us.
  • Another solution: Eight or ten Zetas can meet in a clear sphere or bubble of energy with a model of Earth between them. They can focus on our planet while holding us in their thought processes. They connect mentally to millions of human minds that also favor a collective consciousness of humanity. These group meditations help raise our planetary vibration. There might be dozens of those sessions going on at the same time, scattered along various points in or around our moon’s orbit. The ships are of a slightly finer vibration than our physical dimension, so that they’re imperceptible to us.
  • Despite these projects to uplift humanity, there are lingering problems to be solved both on Earth (which we’ll address at the end of the article) and among the ETs.
  • “Long ago the Zeta race split into two factions,” say Hamden and his Zeta friends. One vast, flourishing Zeta culture has been refining its high-vibration consciousness in order to become resonant with other galactic ET civilizations, with whom they collaborate on many projects, including the betterment of humanity and Planet Earth. A smaller, struggling Zeta race has been abducting certain humans to create biological hybrids (apparently with permission from some governments, in exchange for certain ET technologies). Hamden and Treurniet work only with the greater Zeta race that’s resonant with other galactic races and that tries to undo the damage done by the lesser Zetas.
  • Everything in the omnniverse has its own particular vibration of consciousness.
  • Members of the greater Zeta race sustain their high vibration with harmony and stillness, whereas they notice that the human vibration on Earth is raised by what we call love. When people act with love toward each other, they raise their vibration. The closest the Zetas come to experiencing our feeling of love is a sort of love-respect feeling they have for each other. They never harm each other, they feel a special affection for their children, and they never try to “teach” each other or interfere in each other’s learning process.
  • While humans on Earth slip easily into fear, deception, sadness, and anger, the Zetas say, simply, “Such emotions do not serve us.”
  • Humanity on Earth is evolving toward a resonant collective consciousness that’s following a predetermined course. The Zetas can see the likelihood of a major facilitating event that “will cause matter to become nonmatter”… (which might suggest a sort of end-time scenario, or spring-cleaning of the planet… or it could simply suggest that as we raise the vibration of the planet we ascend from a material universe to a spiritual one, which we consider at the end of the article).
  • Sources: An impressive collection of downloadable books, interviews, and essays by William Treurniet and Paul Hamden.

Stan Romanek is among the best known and most credible (and at the same time most incredible) “abductees” in history… (and many human abductions by the lesser Zetas have been reported by many people across the years and around the world). Stan’s experiences, if true (and they’re certainly well documented), are amazing by any earthly measure. It’s largely his lifelong dyslexia that makes his accounts seem both credible and incredible. He says he was never very good at either grammar or math, and he often expresses himself with child-like awe, innocence, and bewilderment, so he’s not the kind of person we normally think of as “an expert.” However, his experiences have drawn the attention of various people who are considered experts—psychologists, scientists, investigators, and others. For those who’ve gotten to know Stan and his wife Lisa well, and have examined their experiences objectively, the consensus is that the couple’s claims about the ET interventions, and Stan’s ET abductions in particular, are true for the most part. Among his experiences:

  • Starting in 2000, Romanek began having frequent UFO encounters and capturing them on video. Sometimes they’d hover over his car and follow him home. The ETs seemed to have their eye on him and soon started dropping by his home uninvited, so he started photographing and video-recording them in his yard. On one occasion he set up a video camera in his kitchen and caught one of the fellows peeking in through the patio glass door. (See picture #6 in the collage.)
  • Strange, bright lights would be cast down on his house on some nights, and the following morning there might be a round, crop-circle-like pattern on his lawn, 4 or 5 feet in diameter. During one of those bright nights the siding along one side of the house was badly scorched. A work crew showed up the next day uninvited and did a complete repair to the house with no charges or explanations. When his landlord said he had no clue about the damage or the repair, Romanek figured the repairmen were probably sent by some sort of covert government agents who were aware of the ET activities, since he’d received warnings before (from officials in black SUVs) not to go public with his experiences.
  • Around that time, Romanek fell off a ladder next to his house and did serious damage to his leg. His doctor scheduled an operation and told Romanek that without surgery he’d almost certainly lose the use of the leg. The morning before the operation he woke up to find a small row of neat, circular incisions on his leg, and the injury had been completely healed. The surgery was canceled.
  • By then, Romanek had been abducted by the Zetas on numerous occasions. They would appear in his home in the early morning hours and put him into a trance, then he’d awaken aboard a spacecraft, lying on a table, sometimes in severe pain. With help from regression hypnotherapists, he came to remember lots of details from the abductions.
  • During some onboard sessions it was apparent to him that the ETs were conducting reproduction experiments on him. On one visit he was introduced to a small girl with immense, striking, almond-shaped eyes who seemed to exude wisdom and understanding far beyond her years. He felt a deep affection for the child staring up at him and knew she was his daughter—a Zeta-human hybrid. She started calling him Starseed with a strange mix of humor and affection.
  • “These guys are like super-intelligent children,” Romanek would tell audiences at conferences he attended. “They’ll find the most mundane thing and flip out over it, like a pair of glasses. My remote controls will disappear for weeks at a time, and then we’ll wake up some morning, and they’re all neatly lined up on our kitchen countertop.”
  • He says one night in 2003, he woke up in bed after being abducted and returned, and he was wearing a ladies flannel nightgown (apparently belonging to another abductee).
  • During some encounters the ETs would imprint a massive amount of information directly into his mind. On one occasion he was shown an unforgettable and rather terrifying apocalyptic scenario—searing winds across the Earth that leveled structures and ripped the asphalt off roads. On other occasions his mind would be branded with complex mathematical formulas.
  • Romanek could later close his eyes and write out some of the complex, graduate-level physics equations from memory. Physicists who read those equations (which looked like chicken scratchings to Romanek himself) said that some of them pertained to Einstein’s theory of relativity as it applies to gravity.
  • Stan and his wife Lisa received some phone calls—presumably from one of his (by then a half-dozen or more) ET-hybrid daughters. Each call was either left on the answering machine or else answered for a live conversation. In either case, the voice had a computer-like quality, (presumably because the ETs communicate mentally and it took some effort for them to impinge earth-like voices through earthly equipment; ITC researchers have learned that their spirit friends face the same challenges when trying to contact us through earthly technologies. The ET messages to the Romaneks were sometimes chastising in the way young girls often talk to each other or to their dolls, or the messages might be traced with humor, for example): “I know how stubborn you are, Starseed.” Or, “Now listen, Starseed, you know you are different. Follow your instincts and stay alert. This is too important. Soon it will all be revealed. And Starseed, do not be afraid of what you are.”
  • Romanek co-authored three books about his experiences—Messages (2009), Answers (2011), and The Orion Connection (2011). In Answers he shared lots of pictures of his hybrid children, and the book was mostly loved by readers: 84 percent of the reviews on Amazon gave the book either 4- or 5-out-of-5 stars.
  • In 2017 Romanek was charged with “felony possession of child pornography” and sentenced to two years in jail. Details surrounding the case are nearly as perplexing as Stan’s experiences themselves—initiated by Homeland Security, investigated by detectives known to get convictions in questionable ways, a wiped hard drive, evidence turning up on thumb drives, the fact that there’s no more effective way in the USA to ruin a man’s reputation and research than by accusing him of child abuse or child pornography…. (Read more about that tragic case… )
  • Since the conviction, Stan’s health has badly deteriorated.
  • Source. Extraordinary: The Stan Romanek Story movie documentary (available on Amazon Prime).

Dr Steven Greer founded CSETI (Center for the Study of Extra-Terrestrial Life) in 1990, in which he and an international network of colleagues and supporters worked together to establish contact with ET civilizations. As a Transcendental Meditation teacher he knew that contact with ETs would probably require mental resonance and harmony, which became one of the cornerstones of CSETI. In 1993 he founded the Disclosure Project, an effort to urge governments to go public with the vast ET information they’d gathered over the years but were keeping secret, largely for “national security” reasons. From 1994 to 1998 Greer was an emergency room physician, then retired to devote the bulk of his attention to ET research. In 2001 he held a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington DC—along with 20 retired officials from the Air Force, the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), and the US intelligence community—who shared what they knew about ET activity in our world. They urged current government leaders to disclose to the public what they knew but had been hiding all these years. Among the many things that Greer has learned from and about the ETs is that they started taking a special interest in Earth in the 1940s, when we started exploding atom bombs on Earth. That got their attention, and so people suddenly began to see lots of UFOs in the sky and report them to the authorities. (All of those UFO sightings agitated the US government, especially the military. Fear was the motivating force to create the bombs in the first place, and fear became the natural reaction to the onslaught of UFO sightings. Uncle Sam was still skittish and reeling from all the death and destruction from the second world war, so he might have assumed that the UFOs were here to launch another sneak attack—a galactic version of Pearl Harbor. The idea that the UFOs were here to protect him and other governments from themselves might not have occurred to Uncle Sam.) In any case, various galactic ET civilizations sent delegates to Earth for discussions with government officials in the USA and other emerging nuclear powers. Those discussions were labeled Top Secret (probably because the governments still didn’t trust the ETs and their intentions… and still don’t today). Rather than go through all of Dr Greer’s findings over the years for this article, it seems more fitting to share what he’s learned about how we planetary humans might someday become an interstellar or galactic civilization. This is what he shared with the Institute of Noetic Sciences in California recently:

  • Step 0: A planetary civilization is self-destructive. An extinction-level event could result from interplanetary war (which would essentially destroy planetary life, or maybe add Earth’s shrapnel to the asteroid belt). A collective desire for planetary destruction among just 1 percent or humanity could get us there. The galactic races are busy behind the scenes trying to prevent this from happening, so that humanity can eventually move to step 2, at which point we’ll have to advance from thinking about international and intercultural peace to thinking about interstellar (or galactic) peace. But first there’s Step 1.
  • Step 1: Humanity becomes globally peaceful, at one with itself. At that point we can start using instant transport (discussed below) and other consciousness technologies to start transforming our world in a positive way. (We also begin to establish a conscious rapport with the galactic ET races at this point.)
  • Step 2: We become involved in pursuits of the sciences of consciousness—an interface between consciousness (mind) and the kinds of space-time-matter electronic devices that are in use today. We reach higher states of consciousness often called enlightenment, cosmic consciousness, or God-consciousness. (In other words, we learn to forge a conscious contact with the source, which is the crux of human spirituality). That becomes the central focus of the civilization. Why? It’ll provide unlimited abundance. Also, that’s when people can really get artistic and creative.
  • Step 3: We become interstellar. Once we humans are peaceful and transdimensional and connected to higher states of consciousness, then we get a sense of what’s really out there as a segment of our population begins living in space. And when we get too Step 3 isn’t a matter of time, but of “event horizons.” That’s what Greer has been training people to do with his “Close encounters of the fifth kind” project—help humanity reach its next event horizon, largely through mental resonance.
  • Step 4: More than 15 percent of people in the world have achieved cosmic consciousness by Step 4. Humans are now in contact with senior ambassadors of the galactic races who offer advanced guidance to emerging civilizations. They’ve been working with us on Earth for many thousands of years from behind the scenes, but now there’s active collaboration.
  • Step 5: Everyone on Earth is now born into cosmic consciousness. Teleportation and bilocation become a way of life for everyone, and our own consciousness becomes the guiding force within our technologies (including ITC technologies for two-way communication with ETs through our devices).

(At this point, presumably, we begin to cross the threshold from a physical world to a quasi-spiritual world, and eventually become a spiritual world.)

In steps 5-7 we join the interstellar council collective that’s been operating since time immemorial. Greer says that in recent years his group contacts are being cleared through that collective.

  • Step 6: At least 1 percent of the people on Earth are in coherent god-consciousness. Through them Earth becomes a highly refined physical world living under astral (paradise) conditions.
  • Step 7: God consciousness becomes a way of life for everyone from birth—a state of celestial perception. We can then manifest things and dematerialize by focused intent.
  • Step 8: At this point at least 1 percent of the people perceive through unbounded mind, where cities, spacecraft, and entire worlds can appear with a thought. Physical worlds evolve into light beings and light ships while everyone’s at high states of consciousness.
  • Step 9: Everyone’s in perfect unity consciousness—not just oneness within and without—but we can now experience the whole of cosmic creation.
  • Step 10: Everyone is in Brahman consciousness or God consciousness. (Essentially we’ve returned to the source.)
  • Sources: Most of Steven Greer’s movies, books, and other work can be accessed through his youtube channel and his facebook page.

Extraterrestrials in Perspective

Based on what the ETs have told us, moving instantly from one location to another in the universe and traveling through time become possible once we understand (and adapt to) the superimposed nature of the omniverse, in which many universes are nested within each other.

Time and space are an illusion. In reality, everything exists in the same space at the same time. It remains distinct from everything else in the omniverse by its vibration—not by what we perceive as its “location” or by its place in the “past” or “future.” That’s not an easy situation for us humans to grasp because of what the ETs call “limitations” that we imposed on ourselves long ago. Apparently the limitations are the result of being locked into the illusion of time and space.

Here’s a diagram that helps to put things into better perspective.

The source emits a life-energy that creates and nourishes everything throughout the omniverse. The most important and intimate part of every individual thing everywhere is its own connection to the source.

Everything in our material universe—every galaxy, every planet, every person, every extraterrestrial being…—has copies of itself extending into finer “parallel” universes (represented by the white circles). Every universe and everything in it remains distinct by its unique vibration.

To get a sense of the number of those universes, imagine that each circle represents dozens of white circles.

To get a sense of the “parallel” nature of the universes, imagine shrinking the picture down until everything is superimposed into a single pinpoint, then expanding the picture back out in its superimposed state. Not an easy thing to visualize, but it gives an idea of what things might look like to an extraterrestrial, or to a spirit, or any other being that can perceive multiple dimensions or universes.

The countless universes between Earth and the source can be arbitrarily divided into seven levels. We humans on Earth live in a physical universe at level 1. UFOs can move among various physical universes at level 1, and presumably into quasi-physical universes around level 2.

ETs probably have a similar spiritual composition to ours—various “spirit bodies” within us that get ever finer as they approach the source. The source itself becomes the “soul” of everything, and it rests in perfect harmony at the center of our being, like a divine crystal oscillator. So, by the nature of our being, we are one with the entire omniverse.

(Earth’s spiritual “shadow” is where most of planet’s dark, predatory impulses get trapped, and they can apparently leak out into the galaxy to unsettle the prevailing harmony—a cause for concern among ETs. But the shadow, hypothetically, will quickly disappear once we take what Steven Greer calls the first two steps toward cosmic consciousness.)

(Here’s an article about finding peace in a troubled world.)


  • Thanks to Walter Rucker and Don Marsh for the introduction to the work of Darryl Anka.
  • Thanks, Walter, for the introduction to the Paul Hamden/William Treurniet material as well.
  • Thanks to Dr John Day and Don Marsh for reminding me of the work of Dr Steven Greer.
  • Thanks to Rick Nelson, Dr Leo Sprinkle, and Paola Harris, who introduced me to the experiences of Stan Romanek… seems like a lifetime ago.


About Mark Macy

Main interests are other-worldly matters ( and worldly matters (
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51 Responses to Worlds Within Worlds 35 — Extraterrestrials and “The Project”

  1. John R.M. Day says:

    Thank you Mark for taking the time and extending the effort to compose this wonderful tour de force writing on this important subject.
    I gained much insight from this writing.
    Your handling of the central theme of Spirit in describing our association with extraterrestrial races is appreciated.

    • Mark Macy says:

      Hi John,

      For years I think I’ve been a little nervous about the whole ET scenario, partly because of the abductions that tend to stir up fear in a lot of people. Writing this article in the past few weeks has been a cathartic experience for me as I got more deeply into the work of Steven Greer and began exploring lots of other ET researchers and channels and the basic goodness of their information. I’ve been waking up regularly around 1am or 4am with a sort of evolving mental template of how the article should come together. Then as I sat at the computer, the insights of those researchers (which I’d been reading and digesting for weeks), gradually dropped into place.

      Then I could sort of see how it all fits into the bigger picture of the omniverse.

      I hope Jean’s getting healthier and stronger by the day.


  2. Don Marsh says:

    Great article (as usual). I had not heard of Stan Romanek so I watched the movie that you sited. I was particularly stuck by Stan’s last words in the movie, ““From the bottom of my heart I just want to help the human race. I just get lost sometimes. I do not know if I am doing the right thing or the wrong thing. I just try to wing it as best as I can. When I realized my role in this, I felt honored to be a part of it. I pray every day that I can somehow make a difference in what happens to this wonderful race… This glorious race because it is important.” My feelings exactly.
    Someone else you might be interested in researching is Whitley Strieber whose story is very similar to that of Stan’s. In his latest book (“A New World”) he addresses his encounters and provides rational as to why these encounters were necessary for both him and humanity I haven’t finished the book yet but so far it does have some profound words of wisdom.
    Keep these articles coming. They are quite inspiring and it is good to know that there are others out there with similar concerns about the fate of humanity.
    Many Thanks,

    • Mark Macy says:

      HI Don, I haven’t heard Whitley’s name for some 20 years, after seeing the movie about him. Communion. I’d completely forgotten. You’re right, he would have been good to include in the article. Thanks for the good words,


  3. John R.M. Day says:

    A good female ET/UFO researcher who appears everywhere in these circles is Linda Moulton Howe. You can check on her contributions, which are many.
    My favorite female personality in space related subject matter is the one and only Maria Orsic (also spelled Orsitch). She was a member of German metaphysical groups, most notably the Vril Gesellshaft and Thule Society of mystics, during the immediate pre WWII years.
    She received psychic transmissions from the Alderbaran system, in the early 1920s, which she transcribed via automatic writing into both an ancient Sumerian text and a Templar text. These writings were interpreted and found to contain exact technical information about how to build an intergalactic space craft.
    At the time the Nazis were doing advanced R&D on antigravity tech flying machines based on the work of Viktor Shauberger and others. Orsic managed to keep her information intact and independent from the Nazis. Hitler granted her independence to develop her own branch of advanced craft, which she intended to use independently for world peace, and not be coopted by Hitler’s regime to use her craft for weaponry.
    The Nazis did indeed develop advanced craft and took this tech down to subterranean locations in Antarctica where it still is alive and well as the Fourth Reich. This was a breakaway Nazi civilization that escaped Hitler’s control. The story of the Fourth Reich starts getting dark in the post WWII period. It is still dark, and it is still behaving in ways that would blow most minds. Suffice it to say that Star Wars is a real and going concern.
    Maria Orsic was born in 1895 and would be 125 years old now. I believe that she is still living and is active in galactic peace movements. I can see her as a youthful looking woman now who appears to be 60 to 65 years of age.
    Here is a link which describes her exploits in a bit of detail…
    I also commend Dr. Michael Salla’s books which cover various aspects of secret space programs. The one which goes into the history above is “Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs” which came out in 2018. I think that understanding this Fourth Reich issue is foundational.

    • Mark Macy says:

      Wow, thanks John. Fascinating.

      I’ll add your comment to a file for a future article about ETs. Not sure if or when I’ll ever get around to writing it, but if I do, the information about Maria Orsic and Linda Moulton Howe and Michael Salla will be a great help.

      Your information might explain why so many of the great ITC contacts arrived in German late last century. The Germans were apparently at the forefront of multidimensional research during and after the second world war. Good to keep in mind….


      • Evelyn Banna says:

        Two other ladies of note in the Alien agenda/abduction and UFO phenomenon are Dr Karla Turner PhD and Barbara Barthollic.

    • Mark Macy says:

      Hi John,

      I read through that Maria Orsic link this morning, and my head’s still spinning. Just one small point (of several) that boggled me a bit: She interpreted that the ETs from Aldebaran star system arrived on Marduk (Maldek, Phaeton…) between Mars and Jupiter some 500 million years ago to seed humanity in our solar system, and they accidentally destroyed the planet with their technologies a bit later on, causing the asteroid belt. Scientific dating methods (or at least prevailing scientific theories) suggest the asteroids and resulting craters in the planets of our solar system happened some 4 billion years ago… and that’s the timeframe I’ve used as a sort of foundation for my understanding of the human timeline. Guess I’ll have to do some more digging to see if she misinterpreted things, or if science did. 🙂 My gut says to trust current science in this case, and that’s my usual approach until there’s a lot of (what I consider) solid evidence to suggest otherwise (which happens). Anyway, I’ll keep my eyes open for additional, reliable info regarding Marduk’s timeline.


      • Evelyn Banna says:

        Dear Mark
        Astounding as always but listening to the fairly new book uploads of “Tell me about heaven” to YouTube from Suzanne Ward, mother of Matthew Ward who died age 17 and started communicating with his mother nearly 14 years later, on one of the uploads (It’s broken into short narated blockes, he (actually now a collective of higher beings) says we have got it wrong. It’s under Time around 4.50 minutes no. 22.

        Another thing I should mention is that a lot of what I’ve read so far resonates with much of what you have explained to us.

        Thanks for all you do Mark. Really appreciate this.
        Much love and prayers for a more enlightened world to come.

    • Mark Macy says:

      Hey John,

      The Maria Orsic article also helps to explain how the Nazis got caught up in the Aryan / white supremacist nonsense. (I think of it as nonsense because, for whatever reason, we’re born into a world of racial diversity, and if and when humanity is able to raise its vibration to become resonant, it’ll almost certainly have to involve reconciling our differences and ascending together.) That’s what we really need to be focusing on–not just tolerance but oneness… one small step for mankind etc… imho………..

      Thanks (again and again) for pointing me toward information that is so mind-expanding,


  4. John R.M. Day says:

    Mark…thank you for these comments.
    I cannot reconcile the discrepancy of 4B vs. 500M years of time…what a silly thing to see myself writing…as if I were thinking that I actually could reconcile such vastness.
    As the INIT transmissions declare…time is a great illusion for us to contemplate.
    And yes, the Germans liked the stories of Hyperborea.
    On we go…into the mysteries.
    Thanks for all of your writings.

  5. Kate says:

    Great to see an article about the ET subject. I think the afterlife and ET go hand in hand. The other day I was watching about the crop circles and it was mentioned about the 1977 recording,On 26 November about 5.10 pm. that took over a TV station and transmitted a message…I don’t think anyone came forward and admitted it was a hoax but reminds me of the messages that INIT got. The recording can be seen and heard as it happened on Youtube.

    This is the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. For many years you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to you now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this, your planet Earth. We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disaster which threatens your world, and the beings on our worlds around you.

    This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments.

    Be still now and listen, for your chance may not come again. All your weapons of evil must be removed. The time for conflict is now past and the race of which you are a part may proceed to the higher stages of its evolution if you show yourselves worthy to do this. You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and goodwill. Small groups all over the planet are learning this, and exist to pass on the light of the dawning New Age to you all. You are free to accept or reject their teachings, but only those who learn to live in peace will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution. Hear now the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. Be aware also that there are many false prophets and guides operating in your world. They will suck your energy from you – the energy you call money and will put it to evil ends and give you worthless dross in return.

    Your inner divine self will protect you from this. You must learn to be sensitive to the voice within that can tell you what is truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to the voice of truth which is within you and you will lead yourselves onto the path of evolution. This is our message to our dear friends. We have watched you growing for many years as you too have watched our lights in your skies. You know now that we are here, and that there are more beings on and around your Earth than your scientists admit. We are deeply concerned about you and your path towards the light and will do all we can to help you. Have no fear, seek only to know yourselves, and live in harmony with the ways of your planet Earth.

    We of the Ashtar Galactic Command thank you for your attention. We are now leaving the plane of your existence. May you be blessed by the supreme love and truth of the cosmos.

    • Mark Macy says:

      Thanks Kate, I wasn’t aware of that event, but at the time I would probably have shrugged it off as a hoax. (Didn’t believe in ghosts, ETs, etc. until around 1990.) Now I suspect it was an earnest effort by the galactic races to wake humanity up.

      Anyway, here’s that event that happened in England. (Thanks for the transcript in your comment, so readers can follow along.)

      In the 1980s there were quite a number of books by people (mostly women, I think) who channeled messages from the Ashtar Command. George Meek gave me several of those books shortly after I met him. I was really surprised and pleased to learn about that event… the Ashtar group breaking into a live TV broadcast. Thanks!

  6. Kate says:

    On Amazon Prime there is a film and documentary of the famous Travis Walton case. TheTravis Walton documentary is according to Travis more accurate than the film and he talks in the documentary about his experience and his updated feelings on why it happened….I’m going to watch the Stan Romanek story so thanks for that.

    • Kate says:

      On Youtube there’s a channel called UFOTV with hundreds of videos including ancient aliens and ‘The Afterlife Investigations’ (Scoles mediums) plus the extra videos interviewing people like Rupert Sheldrake about the Scoles mediums. The scoles mediums captured an image of an alien on one of the experiements they did. I’ve watched hundreds of videos over the years on the subject and always find it fascinating although skeptical about people that channel messages because it’s very hard to validate if it is accurate or true.

    • Mark Macy says:

      I think I’m moving on to other subjects now, Kate. ETs (the resonant galactic races) are certainly fascinating and vitally important, so I’m sure they and their information will pop into my mind often as I write stuff, and it’ll reflect in the articles, but I want to keep at least one foot planted heavy on the Earth for this series. So if I research ETs and UFOs for another ET article, it’ll probably be months from now.

      (Okay, okay… maybe just one more look at the ET videos before I move on to the next article about something else. 🙂 The Travis Walton case sounds too good to pass up. Thanks for that.)

      I agree that channeled material takes some discernment, since mind-to-mind communication is usually a blending of minds, and it’s hard to know how much “filtering” is done as the information from “other-worldly” minds passes through a human mind to be shared with us on Earth. The fact that the information from Darryl Anka and Paul Hamden has so much overlap is pretty convincing to me. Most of their information resonates with me, and my gut feeling tells me to trust a lot of it. It’s seems pretty pure to me. (Of course, it’s a subjective evaluation, though.)

      The Ashtar message that you shared in your first comment came through an ITC process, and I suspect its information is about as “pure” as we can expect from the galactic folks.


      • Kate says:

        I would have thought by now if the TV message was a hoax someone would have come forwards after all this time (43 years)…..I totally agree that what feels right and resonates is good enough reason to trust your instincts which is also said in the message. Hoax or not it’s very fine words and as you say it is as pure as we can expect.

        I think Travis Walton story is one of the best abduction stories and also his views on it now are uplifting. It’s probably the best evidence we have of abduction due to what they all went through at the time and It’s also great entertainment so i think you will enjoy it.

        Thanks Mark for another great article.

      • Mark Macy says:

        Kate, I watched the Travis Walton documentary and movie (Fire in the Sky) yesterday. The raw testimony of those guys who witnessed their buddy’s abduction by a UFO in a forest was certainly convincing.

        I think Stan Romanek’s experiences were ideal for this article, since he did such a great, spontaneous job documenting everything with pictures, video, and audio. A person pretty much has to accept his evidence as real or pretend/wish it all doesn’t exist. 🙂


  7. Ricky says:


    I wanted to reach out to you to let you know how much I appreciate your wonderful CD “Bridge to Paradise” that you produced with Hemisync/The Monroe Institute. I’ve had it for several years now and have listened to it countless times. For someone like myself, who has known for nearly a decade about the miracles experienced by yourself and your colleagues and Europe, this CD carries a deep and special meaning. It essentially connects everything together in a spectacular way. I had already read “Beyond the Light”, “Miracles in the Storm”, “Spirit Faces” and “The Project” before I listened to this CD – and that’s what made it so much more special for me.

    It’s truly a beautiful journey. First with the heart meditation, then back to the Summerland for a brief visit and guided tour. This CD contains the purest of light, loving energy and I recommend it very highly to all viewers of your website.

    Once again, thanks for making something so awesomely fulfilling on a spiritual level, and for reminding us of our one true reality as eternal spiritual beings.


    • Don M says:

      I couldn’t agree more with your assessment of the value of Mark’s Hemisync CD and his work in general. It is a real inspiration to know that there are individuals like Mark out there who are working so hard to help humanity though these tough times. His work is obviously inspired by a higher intelligence. One that, hopefully will touch the hearts of many more souls in the near future.

    • Mark Macy says:

      Thanks for the really nice comments, Ricky and Don M (not sure if you’re Don Marsh who’s made a lot of good comments here lately, just using a different login for this comment; if you’re another Don, welcome to the dialog!)

      This website is a labor of love, and I get LOTS of help with the content (both on-planet and off-planet 🙂 ). I’m basically just a wordsmith. Gotta’ admit I’ve felt especially helped-and-inspired with these latest articles.

      Back when I was deep into the work of The Monroe Institute (as well as the Institute of Heart Math and my ITC friends in Europe), life seemed kind of magical. Great memories…..

      Thanks again, guys.
      Mark M

      • John R.M. Day says:

        I have to ditto and chime in on Ricky and Don’s comments.
        Keep ’em coming Mark!

      • Don Marsh says:

        Yes, Don M and Don Marsh are one in the same.
        You and I share some similar experiences in life. I am currently doing the Heath Math coherence exercise each day and since I am a retired engineer I like to get evidence that what I am doing is having an impact that can be measured. By accident, I got that evidence from a motion sensor that turns on a light when it senses motion. I have such a sensor set up at one end of a 20 foot long room that I normally have to enter before the light will turn on. I also have a chair that is about 9 feet outside my long room that I use to do the Heart Math exercise each morning. When I sit down the light does not come on (the sensor is 29 feet away). When I get up the light comes on. Clear indication that the exercise has had a measurable effect on my body. So I can relate to your Heart Math experiences.
        Keep your articles coming, they are very much appreciated,
        Don Marsh

        • Mark Macy says:

          Hi Don, it does seem that you and I are moving on parallel paths in our quest to figure things out. 🙂

          I think that that “Genetic Aliens” book (that we discuss below) would have seemed like pure, silly sci-fi to me if I were reading it 35 years ago, before I started to understand multidimensionality. I guess it was “jaw-dropping” for me when I read it recently only because of the stuff I’ve already been learning about spirits and ETs. While reading it I wondered where the author got the actual identities of the US government officials. He seems privy to a LOT of information here in (and around) the current world.


  8. Mark Macy says:

    PS – There’s one book I read while writing this article that turned out to be one of the most jaw-dropping books I’ve ever read. It was written by a fellow who many people believe is the smartest, most scholarly human being alive today. According to, “He wrote more than 2500 books, 22 dictionaries of modern & ancient languages, and 9 encyclopedias in 25 languages, stretched over a period of 50 years…. He is internationally known for his expertise in the history and languages of ancient civilizations & social-legal studies of the Middle East, with a strong emphasis on tribal dialects, comparative social systems, laws & Islam…. He wrote on many subjects… Opera, Divas, Hollywood, Cinema, Jazz, Afro-American influence on American music, pioneering work of legends in showbiz, cabaret, fashion, history of art and civilization from 7,000 BC to the present day, extraterrestrials, aliens, spaceships, UFOS, mysticism, spiritism, channeling, earth energy, healing, metaphysics, quantum physics, parallel universes, languages, Mesopotamia, international law, Islam, religions, cubism and abstract art, theology, anthropology, world literature, French history, American history, food and beverage, leadership….”

    His name is Maximillien de Lafayette, and his book that I read was “Genetic Aliens on USA Soil.” It’s a sort of treatment for a movie screenplay about a man who’s unaware that he’s one of those alien-human hybrids born on Earth. He eventually develops a deep attachment to his galactic mom, who gets him involved in the meetings that are underway between the galactic ETs and US government leaders, and the horrible reproduction experiments being done by the abductor ETs with US government sanction. He doesn’t include the actual names of the officials, but the names he uses leave little doubt about the real identity of the real US government leaders who were involved in those meetings.

    Alas, as I was writing my article it became apparent that the information in Maximillien’s book didn’t fit into the article. But it’s worth a read, if you’re interested.

    • Don Marsh says:

      WOW. I have got to read that book. Thanks so much for the post.
      Don Marsh

      • Mark Macy says:

        Don, when I wrote, “the names he uses leave little doubt about the real identity of the real US government leaders who were involved in those meetings,” that was a misnomer. The names used in the book only suggest certain real-life US government leaders, and if the misnomer causes problems in the future I’ll go in and edit my original comment accordingly.
        I make little mistakes like that now and then that bite me in the back. Thanks for your attention to the comment, which gave me the needed pause.

        • Don Marsh says:

          Finished reading the “Genetic Aliens on US Soil” book and am in the process of reading some of the material written by Dr. Michael E. Salla which was recommended by John Day. After reading through this material, I am more convinced than ever that external help will be required for humanity to get back on track. I don’t think that help will come in the form alluded to in the “Genetic Aliens” book but I do envision a future that was actually prophesized back in the 1960s when 3 girls in Garabandal Spain received an apparition from what they perceived to be the Blessed Mother.
          A book was written by Jose Luis Saavedra as part of his Theology thesis under the direction of the Department of Historical Theology at the University of Navarre. The book is an extremely detailed account of all events that transpired and what various individuals (within and outside the Catholic Church) say about the events (including Saint Theresa of Calcutta or Mother Theresa).
          The final apparition is the most interesting of all. It predicts a great miracle, “It will be much bigger, much stronger than the one in Fatima… It will cause such an impression that no one who sees it will be able to leave there with doubts.”
          Conchita (one of the four young girls) will announce the miracle 8 days before it occurs and in accordance with the prediction it will occur during the reign of the current Pope (Pope Francis). A quote from the book, “Before the miracle, a supernatural warning will occur pre-announcing it, everyone will see in his/her own interior or conscience, the good and the evil he/she has done as seen by God: each person will see the state of his/her soul before God. This “warning” will come directly from God and will be experienced by everyone in the world regardless of his or her condition and knowledge of God, and all in exactly the same moment.” Sounds like everyone that is alive will experience what near death experiencers refer to as a “life review.”
          If the “warning” and the miracle are not enough to convince mankind to change our ways, then a great chastisement will be in store for us (according to the prediction).
          Bottom Line: A message from an external source (i.e. advanced civilization) in the very near future will result in one of two outcomes. We either get back on the right track or that external source will push the reset button on humanity. As has been done in the past. Free will is paramount, so we get to choose.

          • John R.M. Day says:

            Thank you for this reminder about the miracles of the four girls at Garabandal.
            I woke up this morning wishing for happier days on Earth.
            These miracles give me hope and faith that something can be done to help humanity.
            I await Conchita’s message.
            I am a believer.
            Happy Thanksgiving!

        • Mark Macy says:

          Don & John, this week I came across some fascinating videos about Earth changes that are currently underway. (posted on youtube, by “Atlas Pro.”)

          I found this video especially comprehensive and fascinating (amazing overview of the planet)… in case you’re interested……


          • John R.M. Day says:

            I watched this watery take-back video. This is a well done demonstration of one of our many earthly problems.
            I have witnessed this at my former Gulf Coast home in Alabama. It led me to give up there and move on some 20 years ago.
            The movement for breakaway civilizations is underway with the various space programs.
            Thanks Mark.

    • Don Marsh says:

      Working my way through one of Dr. Salla’s books, “Insiders Reveal Secret Space Program.” This material appears to be very much in line with the prophesy of Garabandai Spain. What the girls perceived as the Blessed Mother may have in fact been a member of the Sphere Alliance. In Chapter 11 when Corry Goode describes the rules of engagement that should be followed by the Secret Space Program Alliance he indicated: “They (the Sphere Alliance) had worked out a future “Post Full Disclosure Plan” with the SSP Alliance Council some time earlier (maybe in the 1960s????) to free all of the inhabitants of these facilities, provide them assistance in recovery of what they had been through, as well as hand over all of these assets to the “Post Disclosure Era Civilization” of Earth. This infrastructure that was built for negative purposes along with all of the suppressed technologies, would be disclosed to every single person of Earth simultaneously and be the beginning of what the SSP Alliance had dreamed of which is a Star Trek Civilization.”.
      Could this plan of the Sphere Alliance be simultaneously subjecting every living human being on Earth to a near death experience? That certainly would get people’s attention and would force those that have participated in these activities for so long to see the damage that their actions have caused. To me the Sphere Alliance entities (if the exist which I hope they do) are a very advanced collective in that they realize how hard it can be to forgive ourselves after we become aware of how our actions have negatively impacted others..

      • John R.M. Day says:

        That is a hopeful and beautiful message Don. I can relate to this, truly.
        After I posted that link to The Monkees song I thought to myself, “What if the visions at Garabandal were from extraterrestrial beings who chose that more familiar guise for the purposes of our spiritual and planetary evolution?”
        Seriously…and now your message.
        I have not read that particular book by Dr. Salla.
        I think I better get it.
        Thanks Don.
        Hope is a good thing to have in the heart.
        This is a better thing for me to be thinking about than almost all of the other things that are rattling around in my thoughts.

        • Don Marsh says:

          Maybe the work of a different group of musicians would be more helpful in this case.. I think a number of the Beatles songs where inspired by a force interested in humanity’s spiritual development. One song in particular could very well be from the same source as the Garabandal visions. Remember “Let it Be”. “When I find myself in times of trouble Mother Mary comes to me
          Speaking words of wisdom, let it be. And in my hour of darkness She is standing right in front of me
          Speaking words of wisdom, let it be”
          Paul said that the song was inspired by a vision of his mother Mary who had passed but perhaps it was a member of the Sphere Alliance giving some very valuable advice to anyone willing to listen.
          Of course John Lennon’s “Imagine” is a classic example of a vision for humanity’s future if we could get past our my people are better than your people mentality.
          The one song that I think captures it all is “All you need is Love.” If we all understood the importance of those 5 simple words we would be much closer to our home than we will ever be by trying to figure out whose god is more powerful.

  9. Walter says:

    Hey, where’s my attribution? 🙂

  10. Mark Macy says:

    Reader Kate sent me an email this morning to alert me about Stephen Greer’s new video, which I think is excellent for the most part! Lots of intelligent, credible experts discussing the disclosure of US government secret knowledge of galactic life.

    (have a look…)

    This was my reply:
    Thanks Kate, very insightful video. I agree with about 95% of the information by Stephen and his proponents. Excellent knowledge and opinions from all of those experts!

    One main point, that fear is the driving force for militarization and ET knowledge cover-up. That’s key, but one thing they don’t mention (or maybe are in denial?) is that fear is wrapped up in all of us humans… in our hormones, DNA, etc.
    So as Paola Harris says in the video, we’ve met the enemy, and “the enemy is us.” It’s actually about all of us (being excessively fearful) until we can overcome our fears, for example through spiritual work. Meanwhile, that whole video seems to me to be also driven largely by fear (or maybe frustration and animosity)–fear of (or frustration from) a fearful, fear-mongering US government.
    Bottom line: We as a species aren’t suitable for galactic collaboration the way we are today, with all these troubled emotions. It would require some biological or spiritual or mental-emotional adjustments to make us humans more resonant, less racist and paranoid (as the video explains clearly), and I don’t think that’s likely to happen anytime soon on a planetary scale.

    One small point I disagree with is Stephen’s dismissal of alien abductions. Maybe he really believes that there are no alien abductions of humans, or maybe he’s denying them to overcompensate for people’s innate fear of the unknown… an attempt to wash away all human fears about aliens by portraying them as completely nonthreatening.
    I think the experiences of Stan Romanek, Whitley Strieber, and other well-documented abductees (as well as cattle mutilations…) can’t be dismissed as being perpetrated by government people in ET costumes in reverse-engineered spaceships.
    It seems more likely that there IS a small, struggling ET contingent (the lesser zetas, for example) that is allowed (by US military covert group) to experiment on humans in exchange for technologies for clandestine military groups. Sounds like conspiracy theory and sci-fi, but it’s the scenario that makes the most sense to me from what I’ve read and researched.

    Still, the abductions (if real) are just a tiny, tiny blight on the greater galactic cultures, which are mostly resonant and peaceful and want us humans to rise to the occasion, so we can eventually join the galactic community.
    That, I think, is the gist of Stephen Greer’s work–to help humanity rise to the occasion–and to call his work “noble” or “admirable” would be a huge understatement. The Earth is lucky to have him incarnate in these tenuous times.

    Hm, I probably should have started this email (comment) with, “Interesting video, but don’t get me started….) 😊
    I think I went off on a tangent.

    Blessings Kate!

    • Kate says:

      Steven Greer said that it ‘consolidates global totalitarianism and military control of the population’. In light of what is happening now it’s not hard to imagine this may be on the cards, as one of them said ‘the last card’. The problem seems to be that fact and perception are blurring. Gas lighting people, confusing them to the point they can’t trust thier own thoughts anymore using propaganda and coercion. It could be that Steven Greer trys to stick with hard evidence and that animal mutilations and abductions aren’t easy to prove maybe these subjects muddy the waters to much as oppose to whistle blowers who put thier lives on the line with the stories they tell. We have no hard evidence that aliens are hostile but plenty of evidence that UFOs have been around for a very long time and do not seem to be a proven threat.
      If alien technology is so advanced why do they need flashy lights on the spaceships? Are they just having a laugh up there! Telepathic dialogue… “Go on turn the lights on for them”, “what colours tonight captain”, “aww lets pop up the blinds and have it shining out the windows tonight with red and green flashing underneath”, “but captain we’re in the triangle tonight not the saucer”, “quite right Sparky, full on solid white tonight and no flashy business”. Joking side it does make me wonder.

      Thanks for your views and reply, Mark. I totally agree with what you have said, plenty to think about.

      • Mark Macy says:

        Excellent points, Kate.
        Especially liked your light-hearted scenario:

        “If alien technology is so advanced why do they need flashy lights on the spaceships? Are they just having a laugh up there! Telepathic dialogue… “Go on turn the lights on for them”, “what colours tonight captain”, “aww lets pop up the blinds and have it shining out the windows tonight with red and green flashing underneath”, “but captain we’re in the triangle tonight not the saucer”, “quite right Sparky, full on solid white tonight and no flashy business”. Joking side it does make me wonder.”



  11. Don Marsh says:

    I am afraid that you are probably right about the fact that all ETs most likely do not wear white hats. Dr Greer’s conclusion that, all nasty things attributable to aliens are actually the result of covert human operations, is something that I would like to believe but that would be a black and white world. Still it would be nice if the governments of the world would come clean on what is and is not the truth. I have always been of the opinion that shining a light in the darkness is the best policy no mater how many cockroaches you may discover.

  12. Don. Marsh says:

    Yes. My wife and I just completed a 6 day workshop out in the Arizona desert with Dr. Greer and I can now say from experience that the CE5 protocol works. In fact it is a crime against humanity that this protocol has not been scientifically evaluated as to its effectiveness. When I returned from the workshop, I contacted some highly respected scientists and they did not want to touch this topic with a ten foot pole. A simple experiment could be conducted to demonstrate first that the protocol works and then high power optical equipment (that the white world military possesses) could be used to get some very interesting pictures of the craft. Since we do not live in a black and white world I guess such a logical experiment will never be conducted.

    • Kate says:

      That’s amazing Don!

    • Mark Macy says:

      Hi Don,
      Great to know that you (and your wife) are ‘hands-on’ with this multidimentional research going on today.
      Very reassuring to know of the involvement by bright, rational folks in these times when (aa Kate says) “…fact and perception are blurring” thanks to gaslighting, fear-spreading, etc.


  13. Kate says:

    Just to let everyone know that there are 4 more videos on Steven Greers youtube channel which follow on from the last video about disclosure.
    May the source be with you
    from Kate.

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