Closing Down the Worlditc Website

Correction (July 2023): I’m NOT closing down the website. After posting the article below, a fellow from varanormal offered to take over managing the website. I agreed. So that big repository of ITC and afterlife information should remain indefinitely.

In another month or two I plan to close down the website, which I started some 20 years ago. If there’s anything on the site you’d like for personal use* and it’s easily downloadable, please help yourself. Also, I’ve exported all of the files (text, pictures, audio, video) from the site onto my computer, so if at some point in the future you’d like something, let me know and I might be able to send it to you. As long as you’re using it for personal / nonprofit purposes*, there should be no problem.

*Some of the information on worlditc might be copyright protected, such as the work of the Harsch-Fischbach couple in Luxembourg, and the English-translations of books by the late Ernst Senkowski and Hildegard Schaefer.

Brief History of the Website

Helga and Rolf Ehrhardt, and Regina and Mark Macy

I opened around the year 2000, when web development required some technical knowledge (before easy-to-use website builders like WordPress, Wix and Weebly got started).

I didn’t have that technical knowledge, so in 2001, Rolf-Dietmar Ehrhardt (Germany) contacted me and offered to lend a helping hand. I quickly discovered that Rolf:

  • Shared my deep interest in ITC (instrumental transcommunication, or spirit communication through technical devices),
  • Shared my passion to figure out other-worldly stuff and to share it with the world,
  • Had an inexhaustible work ethic,
  • Had some expertise with website development, using the old “frames” format that you see on the worlditc website (but which has long since gone out of vogue),
  • Consigned translators to create English versions of landmark books by Friedrich Juergenson, Ernst Senkowski, and Hildegard Schaefer, and
  • Became a good and trusted colleague and friend.

Our original plan for the worlditc website was to provide an overview of ITC research going on in the world, but over the years it became clear that ITC interest and expertise was growing around the world far too quickly to be tracked and documented on our site.

Instead, worlditc became a sort of repository of some good and useful information (especially from the early days of ITC) thanks mostly to Rolf who gathered everything together and posted it.

Rolf died a few years back, so our website has been static ever since.

For those and a few other reasons, it seems a good time to say bon voyage to

Thank you, Rolf, God bless you, and I hope we cross paths again one day in the not-so-distant future!

About Mark Macy

Main interests are other-worldly matters ( and worldly matters (
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16 Responses to Closing Down the Worlditc Website

  1. Siyoh Tomiyama says:

    Dear Mark,

    I’m a little sad to hear the site will be closed. But it cannot be avoided. Today I was reading some old correspondences with Rolf, also with you. Rolf and you were working very hard to gather ITC information. But the site never die. People are still able to see the site by using Wayback Machine.*/

    Hope everything is well with you.

    • Mark Macy says:

      That’s pretty amazing, Siyoh.
      I wasn’t aware of the Wayback Machine.
      So many statistics about the worlditc website.
      It took some time, but I found how to look at the content…
      From the “Summary” page, scroll down to “Last 10 Captures” and click one.

  2. emkarblog says:

    Dear Mark,

    Thank you for all you have done for ITC. Of course sad to see a resource become archived but understand that things have changed. I wish you and your family all the very best in the future and I thank you for the kindnesses you have shown to me in my education. Blessings to you. Karyn

  3. Evelyn Banna says:

    Dear Mark,
    So sorry to hear this but things move on and needs must.
    I pray you will continue with your regular Beacon updates.
    I learnt so much from your written words and thank you for all that you and your dear wife have done in the pursuit of knowledge about our true home and the Source of our Lives.
    May you both be blessed

    • Mark Macy says:

      Thanks, Karyn & Evelyn, for your kind messages.
      Maybe my next articles will be more uplifting, since the Terra series mostly just exposed the shadow (a sort of planetary infection) to the open air so maybe it can heal. Never a pleasant process. 🙂
      I get inspired by readers like you, as you might have noticed in the comment sections of various articles.


  4. Atheria says:

    Hi Mark. I have referred quite a few people to the WorldITC site over the years and will miss it, but the only thing that stays the same is change. I totally understand why it’s time to close the site. At least we can find you here on WordPress! 🙂 Stay warm up there in CO. It’s 2 degrees right now in Santa Fe! Brrrrr!

  5. evplearner says:

    Thank you for all of your passion for this most important and miraculous work… I have learned so much..

    • Mark Macy says:

      Never thought of it as a passion… but I guess it is. 🙂
      Understanding and writing about all of this information gives me a better sense of purpose.

      • evplearner says:


        Oh my goodness no worries.

        I have been recording EVP consistently for a while now and many of them give me pause and a million questions come to mind. Your inquiry into the mysterious nature of life is fascinating. I’m more passionate every day!!


    • Mark Macy says:

      Well duh…
      I read through the above article this morning and notice I wrote that I have a passion for this work.
      So, you’re right, i guess it really is a passion of mine. 🙂
      Sorry about my earlier reply that said otherwise.

      • evplearner says:


        Oh my goodness no worries.

        I have been recording EVP consistently for a while now and many of them give me pause and a million questions come to mind. Your inquiry into the mysterious nature of life is fascinating. I’m more passionate every day!!


  6. Dan Smith says:

    I was a wide-eyed dreamer only a few years into this journey when someone (I don’t remember who) pointed me in the direction of back around the year 2000. I remember reading of miraculous contacts and the obstructions that hinder the process. I eagerly soaked in the teachings of so many ITC researchers from the late 20th Century. More than two decades later, I can say with certainty that the knowledge you’ve shared has shaped my exploration in ways I never could have imagined. I feel very confident in saying that you have helped guide countless others within this community – even if we don’t post on here enough. Your approach helps people to step away from the ledge of the Boggle Point… and focus on some old-fashioned introspection.

    Your efforts have compelled others to challenge their own boundaries of belief and possibility. And ultimately your body of work has led others to undertake deep personal reflection in pursuit of understanding our essential nature and how we fit into the cosmos.

    Your effort, hard work, and dedication are a shining example of the tenacity required to wrap our minds around this enormous amount of valuable knowledge. You are a great teacher and an exceptional human being. Thank you for your contribution to building my extraordinary life.

    • Mark Macy says:

      Wow. Thanks Dan.
      I’m sure that some people who know me personally would debate some of those accolades.
      Including our spirit friends. 🙂
      I’ve got the same kinds of foibles and petty compulsions that all of us humans have.

      One thing, though… I think my soul plan for this lifetime is mostly to try to figure things out here on Earth and to express them as clearly as I can. I take that pretty seriously.

      Your comment means a lot to me. Thanks again,

  7. Matthew E Faulkerson says:

    It will be missed….I remember finding it from the old coast to coast website. It’s been twenty years and the net has changed. Not for the best since every page looks the same. Oh the days of the frames and creativity in design.

    It’s weird to reflect on my journey since. I went from Christian to atheist and now agnostic. Despite trying to have my own obe I could never do it. Threw caution to the wind and participated in an occult ritual. Had some interesting experiences after that to say the least.

    Sad to see an old internet relic vanish but that’s the way of things I guess

  8. Mark Macy says:

    Hi Matthew,

    Shortly after posting the above article, I was contacted by a fellow in the varanormal research group who offered to take over managing the worlditc website on Earthlink.
    He said it would involve just keeping it there as a sort of historic repository of ITC and afterlife research, so there probably won’t be a lot of changes made in the coming months and years on that site.
    You’re right… the old “frames” website format that my German friend Rolf Ehrhardt used to build the worlditc website has long been out of vogue. I’m grateful that Earthlink continues to support it.
    (In case it ever gets abandoned completely, a bright, dedicated Australian researcher named Karyn is currently assembling a hardcopy of the website for posterity. I plan to post information about that when the massive project is complete.)

    Your good words about the site are much appreciated (Rolf did a magnficent job!), as are the reflections you shared about your own journey.

    I think these personal journeys toward cosmic understanding might be the most important part of the Earth experience. Religious, spiritual, occult, mystic, ITC, frontier-scientific… so many good paths to choose from. 🙂


What do you think? Comments?