What ITC Groups Could Learn From the Ancients (8.2)

How did life and human civilization unfold here on Earth?

Let’s shuffle together the best ancient knowledge and the best modern knowledge to see what the human timeline really looks like. Deal?


I’ll start with a bare skeleton of modern truths… that is, the shiniest, most reliable nuggets of information that have been found or revealed in recent years to help us understand our ancient past.

Once that skeleton of human history is as complete as I can get it, I’ll start filling in the meat with chunks of ancient information that fit neatly around the bones.


The Solid Skeleton

Life is a puzzle with lots of missing pieces, and my hope here is to assemble the most accurate picture possible.

I’ve gathered up the most reliable puzzle pieces from ITC contacts (detailed information delivered to us from the spirit worlds through technical equipment on Earth)… and, to a lesser degree, from science.

I find that mainstream science has tremendous strengths, but also a few serious limitations.

Among its greatest strengths, I believe, are the various scientific dating methodologies… ingenious techniques to assess the age of rocks and fossils and ancient tools and things.


Dating techniques make science one of the most reliable sources of information on the planet.

On the other hand, mainstream scientists today have fallen down a “Darwtonian” well of their own making, and the view from down there is not very expansive.

  • They believe (rather dogmatically, thanks to their devotion to Charles Darwin) that modern humans evolved from lesser primates some 5 million years ago… period… no debate… end of story.
  • They also (thanks to their devotion to Isaac Newton) are consumed by the mechanistic, material world and deny the human spirit. Consciousness is a product of the brain, and when you die, that’s it… no spirits… no afterlife… final answer.

Well, a lot of the meat that we’ll be adding to the bones of our historical skeleton happens to fly in the face of Darwin and Newton devotees, but that meat is pretty darned convincing… as you’ll see.

More and more evidence is turning up in recent years to suggest that humans…

  • Not only lived right here on Earth many hundreds of millions of years ago
  • But also exist now in finer (spiritual) realms that are timeless

… and that we today are far less advanced than many of those humans… both the ancient ones then, and the spiritual ones now.

Meanwhile, mainstream scientists today remain stuck in their narrow “Darwtonian” view of the world, so that the mounting evidence of spiritual humans and of very ancient humans puts them in the awkward position of either…

  • having to ignore the mounting evidence, or…
  • having to quickly bury it in dusty archives, or…
  • having to accuse the finders and endorsers of the evidence of being hucksters or imbeciles.

So… the solid skeleton below is formed out of credible ITC contacts, as well as basic scientific dating methods… and it tries to avoid the biases and misinterpretations that come from tunnel vision.

These are what I think are the solid bones, or facts, of the human timeline.  (Ancient events discovered by science are in bold type… events revealed through ITC contacts are in regular type… and comments in brackets [ ] are my speculations based on the facts.)

  1. [First off, time is an illusion of the physical world. The omniverse, consisting of many, many physical and spiritual universes, is timeless and flourishes with life at many levels. So this timeline, while meaningful to us humans, is somewhat deceptive in the bigger picture. Still, it’s important at this point in history to make the timeline as accurate as possible.] That said…
  2. A big, defining, cosmic event happened in our solar system some 4.5 billion (4,500,000,000) years ago.
  3. Long, long ago superhumans from Eden, or Marduk, became marooned on Earth, [suggesting that a physical planet Marduk was probably destroyed by the super technologies of its superhuman inhabitants, and that was probably the big, defining event].
  4. Since then, Earth and the other planets circling our sun have been ravaged by asteroids, meteoroids, and other shrapnel [that have been buzzing around our solar system like a swarm of angry hornets].
  5. Edenite colonists on Earth at the time of the explosion became marooned here… and they were the last living Edenites.
  6. The Edenite castaways enjoyed a mastery over nature until their “dissension with the serpent,” [that is, presumably, the age of the dinosaurs].
  7. Dinosaurs walked the Earth starting around 250,000,000 years ago and died out around 65,000,000 years ago.
  8. Edenites stuck here on Earth eventually had superhuman descendants, whom we sometimes call titans or gods.
  9. Atlantis originated on Earth long ago [the exact time uncertain].
  10. Project Sothis started 20,000 years ago as a project to bring carnal humans into closer collaboration with spiritual humans and other intelligent, invisible beings inhabiting the worlds of spirit.
  11. The “fall of man” legend emerged from the actual downfall of Atlantis, which came as the result of blind trust in a massive technology.
  12. Project Sothis ended around the time of the fall of Atlantis.
  13. The last remnants of the island empire of Atlantis sank around 1250 BC.
  14. In the late 1980s, the Seven ethereals or superhumans or “Rainbow people” facilitated a high-tech communication bridge between us and our ancestors (spirits), who began to describe the paradise spirit world Marduk, or Eden, where they had awakened after dying on Earth.
  15. The Seven announced they’ve observed humanity across the eons and came close on several occasions… this (starting around 1990) being the seventh and most recent. They began to send us (the members of INIT) puzzle pieces like those listed above… in order to restart Project Sothis.


Putting Meat on Those Bones

So the next step is to start filling in the skeleton with muscle and organs, that is, ancient records.

Ancient records can come from anywhere, and we’re looking for the ones that fit neatly into the skeleton above… ones that 1) have not yet been accepted and understood by mainstream science and 2) have not yet been revealed through ITC contacts… but are nonetheless compatible with the skeleton.

Some ancient findings can be scientifically dated, and they’re often tens of thousands or tens of millions of years old, totally stressing and straining the Darwtonian worldview. Mainstream scientists come up with explanations that seem rational to them… as they try to wriggle out of the uncomfortable position they’re put in by these findings.

Other old, old materials cannot be dated, and so science arbitrarily gives them an age of several thousand years, so that they fit into their worldview… but I suspect that many of those misshapen puzzle pieces are much, much older.

The picture collages below give an idea of the specific kinds of historical records I’ll be sculpting in the skeleton.

Meaty Evidence


Various Atlantean air and space craft recorded in cultures around the world. Clockwise from left: 1) Interior of spacecraft (Mayan, Mexico); 2) various air and space ships (Abydos, Egypt); 3) jet airplane (Quimbayan, Colombia); 4) flying disk (Mayan, Mexico); 5) another flying disk (Mayan, Mexico); 6) rocket (Kush, Egypt); 7) drawing of vimana flying craft based on Sanskrit specifications (Vedas, India).




Ancient footprints (clockwise from top left): Paluxy, Texas, USA (Burdick); Laetoli, Tanzania (Leakey); Langebaan, South Africa (Roberts); Antelope Springs, Utah, USA (Meister); Fisher Canyon, Nevada, USA (Reid); Lake Managua, Nicaragua (Espinosa); Paluxy, Texas, USA (Delk, circled); Paluxy, Texas, USA (Taylor); Roccamonfina volcano, Italy (Avanzini); Zapata, New Mexico, USA (Shockey). Among the most remarkable of these ancient footprints is the circled one, which shows how a 3-toed dinosaur foot stepped on a 5-toed human footprint, probably some 100 million years ago. (The human toe prints are at the top left of that small frame.)




Ancient technologies that are way too advanced for their estimated age (clockwise from top left): Antikythera clockwork mechanism with many gears found in an ancient shipwreck (Greece); vase-shaped Baghdad battery (Iraq); big light bulb mural Dendera (Egypt); Dropa stones, one with an overlay added to highlights the kind of detail found on some of these stones (China); brass bell and iron bowl found in coal that was formed more than 100 million years ago; two high-quality optical lenses probably produced in Atlantean times, one inherited by the Mesopotamians, the other by the Vikings (various); a 115-million-year-old hammer found in London, Texas (USA); and a few of the thousands of precision metal spirals ranging from handheld-sized to microscopic (Russia).



Dinosaurs and humans are shown interacting in Acambaro figurines (Mexico) and in Ica stone carvings (Peru). The figurines and stones are probably legitimate prehistoric finds, probably some 100 million years old, though mainstream science insists that they’re much, much younger… and probably faked.

… to be continued…..

About Mark Macy

Main interests are other-worldly matters (www.macyafterlife.com) and worldly matters (www.noblesavageworld.com)
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8 Responses to What ITC Groups Could Learn From the Ancients (8.2)

  1. Mark Macy says:

    Judging by the comments here, articles like these probably leave some people speechless. 🙂

  2. Ivo says:

    hi Mark,
    thanks for this wonderful website, I think it shows a lot of courage and dedication! This article is for me one of the hardest: when I read the articles and material, the one thing I was and am most skeptical about is the human timeline. I sort of want to believe that the material presented here is genuine, but it is too contrary to evidence of evolution, what I up till now thought of as fact. Quite a big step. So please help me on this?

    A couple of points/questions
    – first of: I think scientists in general ares not that closed minded about human evolution that no debate takes place: there are still skeletons of “intermediates” and new human races found. Although the overall picture is pretty much established, there is lots of debate about the specifics, I think.

    – I have read for example Dawkins “The greatest show on earth”, which gives the picture that the facts of evolution are very clearly established (and also that a lot of people don’t know very much about it, which gives rise to al sorts of misinterpretations). He is very convincing (to me) in pointing out how much evidence from different sources point to evolution. So much so, that there is not any doubt about it, although there are a lot of details still unknown.

    – for example with DNA research of the different species we (i mean science) have a pretty good picture of how humans evolved from earlier primates. You can make a tree of life, with how much dna of a particular species resembles another. I have trouble fitting this in with your information.
    I’ve read also (else where on your site) that the Titans have experimented with man and animals.
    Do you have more information on this? I mean, is there a combination possible between human evolution as seen by science today, and the material you have received through ITC?

    Many thanks in advance!

    • Mark Macy says:

      Hi Ivo,

      Thanks for breaking the ice with this troublesome (not just to you but to me and probably to most people who read it) article.

      In short, yes, I think we’ll someday determine that our actual heritage contains truths from both the ITC contacts we received from The Seven, and scientific findings involving such things as evolution and DNA. Exactly how they’ll all shuffle together and reconcile with each other… I can only hypothesize (which is what this series of articles is about).

      It took me more than a decade to assimilate the ITC information and reconcile it with science knowledge as best I could. My gut feeling is that the timeline I describe in the article is pretty close to accurate… but it could be based on a few major errors on my part, in which case all bets are off. Example:

      They told us, “humans came to Earth from Marduk (Eden) and lost mastery over nature after their dissension with the serpent.” And, “there was a fall of man” that involved the last descendants of the original Edenite castaways, which took place in Atlantis.

      That I accept as fact, because I developed a very deep trust in The Seven and their information.

      Also, this from our spirit friends at Timestream: The world they live on is a Saturn-sized astral (spiritual, or nonphysical) planet called Marduk (Eden). I also tend to believe that to be true… that many people from physical Earth awaken on astral Eden after they die.

      Here’s how I might have gone wrong with my conjecture:

      I assume that Eden (or Marduk) was once a Saturn-sized physical planet in our solar system that blew up, causing the LHB, asteroid belt, Oort cloud…. I might have that all wrong. The original Edenites might have come to Earth–sort of materialized here–from the astral world Eden. There might have never been a PHYSICAL planet Eden, in which case the Edenites getting marooned on Earth might have happened as recently as a few hundred million years ago. THAT scenario might fit in more smoothly with scientific timelines derived from DNA, archaeological evidence, and so on… but my gut keeps telling me Eden was a physical planet… and that would suggest it was destroyed some 4.3 billion years ago, conforming with scientific evidence of the LHB.

      Anyway, until science digs up (and makes public) something like a skeleton of a 30-foot or 40-foot superhuman ancestor… then my general timeline probably won’t have super-conclusive evidence to back it up… just lots of bits and pieces of smaller evidence like the stuff in the articles.

      I’m very glad you like the website in general, thanks for that!


      • Ivo says:

        hi Mark, thank you for the very swift reply! It is very helpful when you dissociate between the actual information given and your own research about it. It gives some room to think my own thoughts about it. I understand that you have researched this extensively, that is very valuable on its own. but some things might only become clear after more information is available.

        a bit off topic:

        I feel a bit like you describe at the beginning of your journey: a fortysomething agnostic who really needs some proof to be convinced (or maybe what atheists like to say: extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence). The ITC information might just be that!
        I have switched paradigms a few times over the years, and each time I was convinced I found the truth (from reformed christian upbringing, to Neale Walshish new age thinking, to atheist, to agnostic, and I thougt that was the end of the line, but as soon as I was settled in with that, something begun to move again on my spiritual radar. Then I found the worldITC site (and then yours!).

        I sincerely try to find truth, where ever it may take me, even if it means that all I thought was right turns out to be wrong. But I don’t take it lightly, I need to be convinced, and as you know that could take some time with this material.
        But the scope of the project seem to argue against hoax, and your sincerity seem real, and the audio examples too, I suppose it could be delusional, but with all the material and people involved that seems unlikely.
        Anyway, I would understand it, if you are weary of skeptics poking at your sincerity or sanity. 🙂 Sorry for voicing my doubts like this, but I will not the only one who is trying to find some safe ground with this.

        Something els that puzzles me: how on earth is it possible to get such clear communications, (as opposed to EVP) as I’ve heard in the examples (I know the answer, there are etheral beings involved, but still! if this is real (and I really like to think that it is) then this is huge!

        And: are you aware of ITC stations that are currently up and running, or did it stop around 2000? There must be people willing to carry the torch along, so to speak? I saw the worldITC website, it looks very old (last update around 2015 , it seems). Or is it up to the spiritual side to decide?

        Anyway, thanks again, I will continue to read your sites!

        • Mark Macy says:

          Hi Ivo,

          Yes, the impression I got is that sustaining an exceptional ITC portal is mostly up the spiritual side to decide. The Seven ethereals told us (INIT) that stable bridges would be created and sustained when humans can work together with one mind. That seems to be the main obstacle, the difficulty we have overcoming our egos and hormones to work together in love, trust, and good-will… without envy, fear, suspicion, etc.. Resonance is a key piece of the ITC bridge. The amazing contacts our INIT group received were intended (I’ve come to believe) as a taste of what’s possible.

          My German buddy, Rolf Ehrhardt, did most of the work assembling our http://www.worlditc.org website, patterned after his own website:
          Rolf died in the summer of 2017. I’m keeping worlditc’s website up because it’s such a great archive (again, thanks mostly to Rolf), but I don’t foresee any changes to the site in the near future.


          • Ivo says:

            Thank you! I have been reading more on your site and on Rolfs, it gives valuable information. I especially enjoyed an old documentary on Friedrich Juergenson (in German) and the information from Maggy Harsch (Breakthroughs, I mean this: http://rodiehr.de/o03/o_03_lohf_part1.htm) .

            My skeptical “nerves” do fire when I read, for example, that ” the tapes of the GA1 had to be erased within 15-20 after recording, for risk of hurling the experimenters in a parallel world.”

            That’s inconvenient, to say the least, because a lot of recordings will never be available to the general public, and this would be so good evidence (at least for me).

            I keep going forwards and backward in my mind about this (it is true, it could not possible be true, and so on). This might take a while… 🙂

            I keep researching this. Thank you so much for publishing it! all the best, Ivo

  3. Ivo says:

    slight edit to above post: “hurling” was not the word used in the original post, and might be misleading. Here the quote from the website mentioned above:
    “We do not understand why audio tapes of voices made with GA1 have to be erased 15-20 minutes later because the GA1 contacts have opened a direct gate between dimensions. We are told that the time line of the experimenters would change, which could be tragic for them, spinning them off into a parallel world.”

    • Mark Macy says:

      It boggled my mind too when I first read it (still does, actually). Over the years I often reflected over the whole notion

      … that other worlds and universes could be superimposed over our own, each similar to each other in many basic ways, but each distinct from the others like radio signals and evolving differently, with different “timelines” in different dimensions.

      … that certain significant events on Earth might either 1) cause a new parallel world to “spin off” the Earth? or 2) cause certain individuals directly involved in those events somehow to “spin off” onto one of those parallel worlds(?).

      The jury in the back of my mind is still out on a lot of that information.. I suspect there’s a basic truth in the idea of parallel worlds and universes, but I still don’t understand exactly how it all works.

      So in cases like these I just report the information given to us by The Seven (whom I’ve come to trust), as accurately as I can*. Hopefully someone will be able to comprehend the complete picture more clearly and to explain it in worldly terms that most of us on Earth can understand and reconcile.

      *Most of the contacts received by the Harsch-Fischbachs were in German, and were translated painstakingly by Hans Heckmann into English. I suspect some small amount of information might have been lost or changed in translation, even with Hans’s good work. The original German version of Breakthroughs:
      Jenseitskontakte mit technischen Mitteln gibt es! ISBN: 978-3-935910-50-7 – Bestellungen an den Verfasser: Zollhausstrasse 57 a, CH-2504 Biel

What do you think? Comments?