Afterlife Descriptions

Maggy Fischbach of Luxembourg, and the INIT organization we established in 1995, received many vivid descriptions of the spirit world in which most of us will awaken after we die.

We received not just verbal descriptions, but many pictures as well. Most of that illuminating information can be found in the articles listed below.

This particular article seems to do the best job of putting it all in perspective:

Things To Do in the Afterlife (article)

The articles and pictures below provide more detail about various aspects of the afterlife.

Spirits of Timestream.

Pictures from the afterlife:

Pictures with descriptions:

Spirit world models.

Verbal descriptions from the afterlife via ITC:

7 heavens and 7 hells.

Dark Afterlife Adventures (I wrote this series of articles as a detailed summary and review of a classic 1896 book called Wanderer in the Spirit Land, by Franchezzo. I include it on this website because the book correlates well with what we were told through ITC systems about the spirit realms while going into much more first-hand detail about the various realms, especially the dark, troubled realms associated with the Earth.)

…1    Lost in the dark (chapters 1-5).
…2    Serving the Brotherhood (chapters 6-9).
…3    Struggling out of darkness into light (chapters 10-14).
…4    Preparing for rescue work (chapters 15-17).
…5    Rescue mission from hell (chapters 18-21).
…6    More hell (chapters 22-24).
…7    Old generals never die (chapters 25-26).
…8    Weary homecoming (chapter 27).
…9    Free at last (chapters 28-31).
..10   Journey’s end at the threshold to heaven (Chapters 32-34).
…11   Conclusions.

2 Responses to Afterlife Descriptions

  1. Elene says:

    I never knew that “7th Heaven” was more than a popular metaphor and was part of a theoretical framework.

    • Mark Macy says:

      Hi Elene,
      Just noticed this comment that somehow got by unnoticed when you posted it last year. Usually I notice them right away. Sorry.
      Our spirit friends at Timestream mentioned on several occasions that they’re partial to the 7-level model introduced by Frederic Myers.
      Apparently those are just 7 arbitrary divisions used as sort of a measuring stick to put it all in perspective… the vast cosmos with countless dimensions and universes. Like a ruler broken up into inches or centimeters.
      Not sure if the old “Seven Heavens” belief is based on the same measuring stick, but wouldn’t be surprised… 🙂

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